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  1. V

    Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun locked in a political controversy over a Chinese CF

    Controversy Arises after Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun Are Chosen to Model for Chinese Water Company, Agencies Respond Controversy Arises after Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun Are Chosen to Model for Chinese Water Company, Agencies Respond | Soompi More about China Northeast Project:
  2. V

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    a - the letter doesn't mean anything and it doesn't recognize anything that can be applied in a legal sense or in any court. Please read again. The understanding of the two sides are different as I have said here. Vietnam doesn't have the name "house B," it call the thing "Hoang Sa/Paracel" b -...
  3. V

    Is there any Vietnam news about Nguyen Tan Dung ? I hear he was caught by VCP

    The reason China has less political dynasty is because the inner fighting in Chinese Politic is fierce and the fraction losing power will see their entire bloodlines dismissed and disposed from political arena. But it doesn't mean that you can climb to a higher up in Chinese political ladder...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    The wiki page completely omitted the author's view point on China's action. Here are some more from the book by Koo, Min Gyo (2009) page 153 - 154 under the title "Initiation and escalation phase." Besides the point from the author that this is just a diplomatic cover for China to insert itself...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Sure if you'd like to call it that way. In the end, it's like this: While running down the housing development. China: all these houses in this lot are mine. Pham Van Dong: I respect your ownership of houses in general and the backyard around those. Chinese posters: Pham Van Dong transfer the...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    That letter was a political bluff to appease the Chinese during the height of the war. It has no legal bearing or any practical meaning and that's why it was written in such a way. Pham Van Dong made a diplomatic maneuver and now all the Chinese posters are clinging to it as some holy relic...
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    South China Sea Forum

    If that is the rule of your game, then stop talking about taking back the Senkaku islands from Japan. PRC doesn't play by any international rule, just what fits at the moment. Such a big nation with a small minded leadership.
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Why are you trying to skirt away from the point? My focus is in the issue of the Paracel island where sweetgrap has been spamming the "evidences" and I have to correct him. You have not answered my simple question, so I see no point in continue talking. I'm not here to discuss other political...
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    South China Sea Forum

    It's not good to be cynical. Words have always been a better solution than guns. Our people fought hard against invaders only when war was inevitable. Viet Minh had restrained until the last minutes when the French was in Hanoi to fight back. We may have to fight foreign aggressors again, but...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    You are wrong on this one Peter because the two entities, while separated, have always been considered to be untied under a free election as stated in the Geneva Accords As such, after signing the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, signed in Paris and entered into...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    He is copying the letter, but his inference from the letter is garbage without back-ups from international law. I have shown you just that. Alright, write you intelligent rebuff here. I will wait for your response. Answer a simple question: what makes Pham Van Dong's letter a legally bidding...
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    South China Sea Forum

    I think you should refrain from using "killing." We are against the Chinese government, not the people. Some Chinese workers left but their undercover forces are still in Vietnam, occupying strategic areas from the Central Highland to the Coastal region. It will be a long time to correctly...
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    South China Sea Forum

    Funny, China started it by invading the Paracel in 1974, and did it again this year by sending the rig into our territorial water. China did the same thing, harassing the US ship in its claimed territorial water, several years ago: Navy Sends Destroyer to Protect Surveillance Ship After...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    I didn't ignore it, just that your countryman sweetgrape here as been spamming this letter by Pham Van Dong everywhere without reading all the explanations. So I figure he would need a longer and a little more convincing statement.
  15. V

    South China Sea Forum

    But the world has changed and certain international rules are accepted and abide by all civilized nations. If it were the old days, China would have attacked Vietnam already, not lying and having the shills to defend them all over the internet.
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Here is the Accords for you: Geneva Accords At that point, both Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) are perpendicular to South Vietnam's coast and France was administrating the islands so both of those islands belong to South Vietnam. Situation: On September 4, 1958 Chinese Premier...
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    South China Sea Forum

    I disagree, talking about justice is the only to prevent bloodshed and destruction. Chinese posters here believe in brute force and law of the jungle. That's why they are going around showing ships and planes. But then, their leadership cries when the US jumps in, calling the US "intimidating"...
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    South China Sea Forum

    This is not a battle field, thus all this talk about war and killing is just fantasy talk for now. Doing that solves nothing but just to trade insults day by day. Showing that Vietnam is in the right both regally and in our actions during the conflict is the only way to make sure the...
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    South China Sea Forum

    It's your fault for not reading my piece as I've talked about this letter already. If you want to read a longer explanation, here it is: Situation: On September 4, 1958 Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai declared to the world China’s decision regarding the 12 nautical mile territorial waters from...
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    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    How is it instigation when we did not shoot at you and that the territory is a legal transfer from South Vietnam to the Untied Vietnam? Show me the proof that you owe the Spratly. The war started by the one making the first shot. China did, Vietnam didn't. So your original claim that China has...
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