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  1. Jguo

    Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

    Read again, the R27R is a BVR missile. You ask for links to support my claims and I have done so, while everything you've said is personal conjecture with no academic backup whatsoever. We Chinese do not want to cooperate with Russia on 5th Generation development because we believe in...
  2. Jguo

    Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

    I can't post links yet...but if you insist: aces (fullstop) safarikovi (fullstop) org (/) victories (/) victories-iraq-gulf (fullstop) war (fullstop) pdf Apart from the obvious on Wikipedia, you can find these records from a number of other US-based sources too. I don't dispute the incidents...
  3. Jguo

    Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

    While acknowledging the edge the US has over its opponents, what you have stated is simply not true. There are a number of cases where US planes have been struck by Russian made BVR missiles (e.g. during the Golf war), even in cases where the advantage is skewed very strongly to one side, i.e...
  4. Jguo

    China Economy Forum

    These are information the big money does not want going public, so it will not be stated in a 'link' you can find. 1. you can find clues from physical Gold inventory movements at banks such as JPM, GS and HSBC. watch what the banks are doing - they say one thing and do another - I know because...
  5. Jguo

    China Economy Forum

    The proof is there if you know where to look. But I know because of my work.
  6. Jguo

    China Economy Forum

    China already has over 18,000 tonns and rapidly growing every year.. but it's not time to reveal our cards yet.
  7. Jguo

    What do Chinese think of the Indians

    There is already a thread on what people think of their Neighbours: Here are my views. Good things about your neighbours | Page 4
  8. Jguo

    Good things about your neighbours

    I'm gonna give my opinion (both positive and negative - hopefully constructive) on China's neighbours, of whom's people I've met and have some knowledge of, here goes: 1. India: I have lots of Indian friends, they are intelligent and friendly, and they make excellent curry! We have lots of...
  9. Jguo

    Indians want to crash US dollar by 60%

    Quite the contrary, The PBOC fixes the daily trading rate and range for the Yuan. The RMB's fall in the recent weeks was a planned and executed move the PBOC to try to boost growth, stabilize lending and have a more freely trading Yuan. For an export oriented economy like China, having a lower...
  10. Jguo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    Read carefully again. I said: 'I am 90% confident the reason for the crash is induced artificially. Terrorism or not, and for what reason and what party carried it out, we'll have to wait to find out' Perhaps I shouldn't have drawn the similarities to the Lockerbie bombing. We will have to...
  11. Jguo

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    Yes like mentioned earlier it is extremely rare (if ever) that ALL communications devices and channels malfunction at the exact same time - as well as giving no prior warning of any sorts before losing contact. Quoting another source: 'I have heard additional reports that the aircraft, after...
  12. Jguo

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    Notable Differences so far: - 5 blades instead of 4 - Back landing wheel is more aft - Slightly different nose geometry - A protrude at the nose (possibly sensors) - Slightly thinner tail-boom/bigger fuselage (this can be seen by the slight bulge at the aft fuselage as opposed to the flat belly...
  13. Jguo

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    As someone who has lived here for over a decade and has many close friends and family of the nationalities you mentioned living in the EU (UK/Germany/France) from both sides, i.e. Indian/Pakistani, British/German, I can tell you that your point of view on the EU is wrong. The consensus by the...
  14. Jguo

    September 20 in Severodvinsk to test the Indian aircraft carrier arrived. A

    Congratulations to India from China!! (unusual on this forum I suspect :laugh:) Though it was unfortunately over budget and delayed, this long overdue beauty will provide a significant step up in capabilities over India's previous carriers by allowing the introduction of Mig29Ks, helping to...
  15. Jguo

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Visually...acceptable, aesthetically, absolutely terrible plane.
  16. Jguo

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    :( There's been so little development with air force projects this year compared to last, it's all been Navy in 2013. I'm dying to see some new planes.
  17. Jguo

    Tactics 101: Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

    Absolute Excellent Read, thank you for posting!
  18. Jguo

    [Question] Why do we Chinese dislike Dalai Lama?

    CIA declassified some old records from its Tibet operations in the late 2000's, and an American woman made a documentary movie based on these secret dealings in 2010. It turned out that Dalai Lama was on CIA payroll from 1953 to 1972, ending on the initiative of the CIA after Nixon visited...
  19. Jguo

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Japan WWII 'comfort women' were 'necessary' - Hashimoto bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22519384 (I can't post links yet sorry) Anyone seen this yet? How can it be resolved peacefully when Major politicians in Japan still publicly declare things like this up till this day? What do you expect China...
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