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  1. A

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Wouldn't Chinese planes from the J-10 upwards be more appropriate for bangladesh? They are cheaper. Lower maintainence (single engine) Similar technology to Western planes Less political strings No kill-switch Saudi Arabia discovered that their F-15s had a kill-switch prgrammed into their...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    The current leadership clearly has to go and measures need to be put in place to prevent them or similar types from entering power again. We keep repeating the same mistakes again and again by voting these crooks into power. The only way to stop them coming into power again is to be decisive...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    It would be plausible. Bangladesh is trapped in a vicious cycle of alternating between one evil (Awami League), to another (BNP). This is the disgrace we will continue to suffer if we place our trust in secular democracy. We will only win Allahs (swt) favour and achieve success if we rule by...
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    Lets work on a "Open letter to Bangladesh Police, RAB and BGB"

    Bangladesh has never had an effect counter-intelligence agency which effectively prevented fifth-columnists getting into power. For this to be effective, there needs to be certain types of discrimination against Hindus and secular-leaning people as they are more open to Indian and Western...
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    Lets work on a "Open letter to Bangladesh Police, RAB and BGB"

    The main weakness in Bangladesh is our openness and over-friendly attitude to India and to our own Hindu and secular population. Our liberalism with regards to these groups has allowed them to penetrate too far into our centres of power and seize control. Make no mistake, Hindus and seculars in...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    i have more reason to be afraid of you than you of me. how can i tell that you won't suddenly sacrifice me to your god Kali? alhamdulillah. Rasulullah (saw) sent teams of sahabah to destroy every idol in Arabia after the Muslim conquest of Makkah. sadly this is an obligation that many...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    Then you need to change the first word of you signature bro because Jinnah was referring to Islam.
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    at least we ain't a religion of human sacrifice unlike Hinduism: human sacrifice - Thaindian News
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    and Beef. You can't ever forget BEEF.
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    Sylhet shuns Ibn Sina drugs

    i seem to remember seeing pictures of an Islami Bank branch being burnt down by these secular awami league thugs. That doesn't look like a peaceful protest to me. How long have you been a member of the awami league?
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    Thats true. If war crimes was really the issue, then this would have been dealt with post-war, and if not then, certainly during the first Awami League tenure. Instead we saw them ALLY with the Jamaat during their mid-90s tenure. So this is a fabricated issue. The Awami league only raised this...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia are primary examples of why women should not become our leaders. Rasulullah (saw) said that a nation lead by women will be lead to destruction. I wish the Bangladeshis take cognizance of their religion and boot these two crazy women out for good.
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    i know. i notice a lot of hindu indians posting in the Bangladeshi threads trying to shove their noses in where it doesn't belong. they should focus on their own countries problems, such as the thousands of people who die every year during the annual Hindu pogroms against Muslims, christians...
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    Alhamdulillah. I am so happy to see the Mu'mineen of Bangladesh standing up for their religion from the relentless attacks from the Nastiks who wish to see our country become ideologically subservient to Hindu India.
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    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    the Ulama of Bangladesh are not violence-prone, unlike the Hindu fanatic pandits of India who encouraged the Hindus of gujarat to go around burning and raping Muslims in godhra.
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    Shipbuilding industry can earn more for Bangladesh

    I read a while ago that Denmark was helping Bangladesh to build components for the ship, like engines. Is that still the case?
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    Jamat out with a new trick

    bhaisaab, do you have links and screenshots to those articles? It would be good to document everything in a single thread and see the links between the authors of these works and the organisers of the shahbag movement. We need this for clarity as there seems to be a disagreement here about...
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    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    yeah. it looks like some indians here like to sit back and fan the flames.
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    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    I find it sickening that BD citizens are destroying an entity which is only beneficial for their nation. I have never seen a nation more self-destructive than Bangladesh.
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