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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    well, I think it's natural for Pakistan, Iran to have interest in Afghanistan!!!! But when you add Saudi, America, who breed terrorsim that's when you have issues. I don't see Iran blowing up mosques or killing people randomly in Afghanistan. Who do you think is responsible for these attacks in...
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    Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

    Nope, You can watch people like yourself licking Zionist ***, on Ilovelickingzionistass.net
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    Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

    No thanks i dont want to see grown men licking each others ***.
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    Thank god for your intellegence to understand whats really going on in pakistan and afghanistan. would you mind elaborating whom and what country is benefiting from these proxy armies?I really would like to know your opinion.
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    Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

    idiot did you see me using the word Jew? Go back to your daily activity which is to bow down to your masters.
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    CIA/America master mind of proxy wars with proxy armies to acheive and further their own interests. We will never have peace in that region, until people stop being brainwashed into fighthing proxy wars that NEVER benefits the people. When will idiots wake up? I hope Afghanistan will be led by...
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    Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

    continue licking Zionist ***.
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    I believe you 100%. But there are certain elements in the pakistani government that take orders from America. And America will do anything to keep Iran's influence out of Afghanistan, if that means blowing up mosques, people, schools, etc.... they will do that. They do it by proxy armies...
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    These are blamed on pakistan government b/c pakistan government takes direct orders from Washington. America wants to create instability in Afghanistan to keep Russia and Iran out. They even want pakistan's influence out of Afghanistan. So i do believe alot of instability in Afghnaistan is...
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    Iran+Afghnaistan=common interest , keep terrorism out, make Afghanistan an independant counrty from America,etc.... Remember any instability in Afghanistan affects Iran directly, so Iran's ineterst is to keep Afghanistan stable. America on the other hand will do anything to keep iran , Russia...
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    Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

    Why don't you go lick your white masters A**? I hear these zionist have brainwashed you so much you hate your own color. I STILL HAVE LOVE FOR IINDIANS THAT see the racist and aggressive way of Zionist. Yeah you kicked the Zinoist out of your country long time ago, but their abuse and racist...
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    Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

    Iran wants to keep out extremist Taliban, Taliban is an enemy of America too. So whats the problem again?
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    Imran Khan takes down Canadian main stream news station

    She exposed the truth about Osama bin laden and what the war on "terror" is really about. Corrupted or Not corrupted, she was brave enough to tell the truth about America's plan for Pakistan . America's plan for pakistan= Destabalize Pakistan through proxy army. There will be a big civil war in...
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    Qatar’s foray into Gaza politics: Bad for Iran, good for Israel?

    Russia has only become an ally of Iran and others in the region very recently due to their own interest in the region, so the issue of Kosovo and Russia are irrelevent TR. Now, go back to praising terrorist and plotting terrorist acts against ordinary people, like you posted eariler. Pathetic...
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    Greek Orthodox priest abducted in Syria is found dead

    These rebels are trained and armed by the worse of the worse, they are like animals, they don't have a cause. only follow orders from their masters.
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    Al Qaeda’s Zawahri calls for kidnap of Westerners in Egypt

    This is exactly America/Israel's plan to radicialize Islam so much that a world with Islam would NOT be possible. Ayman al-Zawahri is a terrorist who should be punished.
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    NATO Using Al Qaeda “Rat Lines” to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists

    Anyone with any logic can see this. Unfortuantely, we have people like other posters that choose to look the other way. you can look the way only for a while though, eventually you have to look at the right direction when you get hit in the face. with whatever your trying to ignore.
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    Imran Khan takes down Canadian main stream news station

    If he is popular enough among people, he is a direct Threat to Israel/America's interest in Pakistan. SO taking him out of equation for Israel/America would be logical.
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    Qatar’s foray into Gaza politics: Bad for Iran, good for Israel?

    Assad did exactly what Hamad bin Khalifa is doing in Bahrain, so STFU hpocrite. Bahrain: Shouting in the dark - YouTube
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    Bomb, insurgent attacks in Iraq leave 18 dead

    BAGHDAD A bombing near a playground and other insurgent attacks killed 18 people including several children in Iraq on Saturday, challenging government efforts to promote a sense of stability by preventing attacks during a major Muslim holiday. The strikes underscored the difficulties facing...
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