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  1. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    If that was your "Opinion", then why did you try to Impose in a way?? :) Wondering.. Your word of advise taken. But A word of advise from my side. One should not poke his nose in everyother matter, because no one claims to be "Mr. I know All". :) And by the way, If you cant see my point in...
  2. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    So, thats your answer to my "stupid" arguments? Nice reply..I will take your silence as a reply in this case. Nothing esle can be provided in return.
  3. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    Thats a theory...When it comes down to courts, you need to prove it with "prime evidences". If you cannot, then better to accept that this is a false case and you better release him/her. Dr. Asia Indirabi's Husband is not a non-state actor of Pakistan. But he is been kept in Prison for last 20...
  4. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    So If I will start propagating here in Pakistan about Obama and CIA chief..and post a link of the mot reputed news paper here..You will find that OK? Right? Because that will be a "Proof" For you.... Good one... I asked for the proof..Its the same proof that Americans are seeking to convict...
  5. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    The Headley case is well defined in previous posts of PKKH. Headly was demanded by India from US, but US refused to give him to India. Why?? If the fingers were pointed towards ISI then where are the solid proves. Indian BS was exposed when on their Demand US put a bounty on Hafiz Saeed...
  6. F

    Mumbai trial: Was Kasab the sole culprit? | PKKH.tv

    Proves??? Do you actually anything about this case ya bus aisay heee??? :)
  7. F

    Junagadh: Let the Dust Settle Down | Part 1 | PKKH.tv

    Hopeless cases :hitwall:
  8. F

    General Kiyani: The Rare Persona of Leadership | PKKH.tv

    What are you talking about??/
  9. F

    Gaza; The Bleeding Heart of Humanity | PKKH.tv

    A very right point indeed. Any human suffering should be highlighted. But why are you not concerned about the biggest prison cell on the face of earth? Or perhapes, we all know that after biggest prison cell, there is a land, which is most militarized on this very face of earth by Indian forces...
  10. F

    Junagadh: Let the Dust Settle Down | Part 1 | PKKH.tv

    You defintly need to google about Khan of Kalat and especially interview of his son. Hope you will find your answers there. Thanks.
  11. F

    PKKH Special Report: Pakistan’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons | PKKH.tv

    If you are not concerned about your security thn thts anothre issue. Otherwise, the Indian failure is already described in the report. .Isnt it? That how Pakistan switched from a higher cost mobalization to a lower cost TNWs. Anyways, you yourself said that you understand manythings quite well...
  12. F

    PKKH Special Report: Pakistan’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons | PKKH.tv

    Thanks for explaining the terms: But you see, languages evolve with the passage of time, based on the usage of terms. Anyways..not the topic here. Its not the writer big head...Its the Gurus of IR, who introduced this Theory.... Thats why I asked you to download and read the...
  13. F

    PKKH Special Report: Pakistan’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons | PKKH.tv

    VCheng..You really need to download the report and read it first. The writer explained the Phenomena of a Theory, "Nukes for Peace" in context of "International Relations". Hope you understand that.
  14. F

    Junagadh: Let the Dust Settle Down | Part 1 | PKKH.tv

    As for Instrument, it is a formal authority to remain independent, or to accede to any of the states. True that It gave these states a power to remain independent, that is what the writer stated. What was wrong in it and exactly that is what the writer stated that no State emerged as problamatic...
  15. F

    Junagadh: Let the Dust Settle Down | Part 1 | PKKH.tv

    No my brother..History at your side is as vague as history of Kashmir and Junagadh. Try finding out something better.
  16. F

    Petraeus Scandal: US Rusting Swords With Rusting Characters | PKKH.tv

    Agreed....The point is not to elaborate it in detail. Another piece would do the work perhaps. But, this is what we assume that CIA has its own limitation, despite of being abused by some other organizations in the states. More powerful and more lethal.
  17. F

    Petraeus Scandal: US Rusting Swords With Rusting Characters | PKKH.tv

    Perhaps, you dont understand Vcheng, that point in the article isnt about "Technical" proceedings. Its an opinion about the outcomes of a war that was waged by a military might like US. But those who donot believe in any "morals", how can they talk and fight for such a thing? and Just asking...
  18. F

    20 states demand secession from US

    VCheng..As I can see you are one of the "Elite" members of this forum. Can you please enlighten us about your version of PKKH being Press TV. I mean seriously, need to know about your version :) but please with facts..not with yours usual "arguments"...waiting :azn: "The whole world"..I mean...
  19. F

    Junagadh: Let the Dust Settle Down | Part 1 | PKKH.tv

    That was told to you by whom?? :) Any reference to the above states "occupation" or cessation by India? Rest..if these were to be the disputed one..then whats the point of partition?? which not only was endorsed by elders of Pakistan,but also by Indians.
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