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  1. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    See deluded AshokDEVI is the first to talk about hypothetical world...:shout: DeludedAshok Devi canot understand that cowardice means hiding behind civilians to save ones sorry *** like their terra bros did....:lol: And you make ur tamil bros in SL jobless.....:blink: :blah::blah:
  2. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    i was about to paste that link...:tup:....they will try a funny argument like most of the time....just like Deluded AshokDEVI :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:...... Be happy u re with the larger india, if TN has achieved anything at all it would be because of the policies of the central...
  3. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    It is our decision for whom to support. SL’s stand is that we will respect the territorial intergrity of any country in SA. Pakistan’s territorial intergrity was challenged and we did help them. Just because india is the fat boy in SA, we wont tolerate aggression. That is what u call guts not...
  4. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    I dont know what you are fantasizing may be IPKF capturing Jaffna from LTTE (when LTTE was not holding Jaffna), a good piece of imagination that is..or was it one of your bed time stories? :D May be your own Indian high commissioner Dixit must be fantasizing when he was writing the...
  5. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    then it is high time you tell your country mates to keep fanboy stuff off this. :) i know india gov is in a difficult situation and SL gov does nothing concrete to help that. we lankans value our autonomy. we dont like either camp, be it china or india. yet we feel gratitude towards china. But...
  6. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    Because it was not. SLA didnt use indian intel to destroy LTTE arms shipment (not warehouse) they were relying more on GPS systems and Satelite imagery which were given by US initially (bt US backed out later). It was the SL airforce which sought help from india buying indian radar and air...
  7. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    How can IPKF hand over Jaffna to GOSL on a silver platter, 1. Jaffna was under army control.. LTTE was not holding any area. It is documented. 2. IPKF was murdered by the LTTE that SLA had to help the fallen IPKF soldiers to save their lives. just look at the following article written by...
  8. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    And i cant help but laugh at ur ignorance, "In brutal fighting that took about three weeks, the IPKF took control of the Jaffna Peninsula from the LTTE rule, something that the Sri Lankan army had then tried and failed to achieve for several years." When IPKF came to SL, LTTE was holding NO...
  9. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    Tamil leaders existing ones reject it too. seriously you know nothing abt what u talk abt. Even if we are going for a devolution who are u to ask that? you are a f***ing foreigner. As if the rest here do put up an actual argument.
  10. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    So much ignorance bt a lot of barking... It is upto debate whetehr IPKF's motives were noble or not bt clearly their actions arent. Even the hardcore LTTE elements would not disagree with me on this. The very aims (peace keeping and facilitate implementation of article 13(devolution of...
  11. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    really i didnt know SL army went to TN. We just defeated the terrorists. "your army rapes our women" oh my god i dont think our army men are that much retarded to f8ck a TN woman, i mean.....how can u do that with ur eyes open? The terrorists trained in ur patch of land did bomb my people in our...
  12. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    err u started it first...stop acting the victim when u are the bully. how can india tarnish SL to drain when u are finely occupied there?
  13. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    you really dont know what cowardice means... Here someome brings asia times as the proof...btwn what is in there :pop:i bet nothing new.. Here someome brings asia times as the proof...btwn what is in there :pop:i bet nothing new..
  14. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    LTTE got inside the NFZ and fired at the army hiding behind tamil civilians which lead to civilian deaths. By UN conventions if an armed forces is being targetted from a civilian place they can retalliate. So again NO proof..:azn:
  15. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    who says indian and SL gov are going through a rough patch? Ind and SL relationship is very good. It is just that propoganda media portray a different picture. Why should we have anything against Ind gov? They even watered down the resolution for us. Also it is not that we are having problems...
  16. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    didnt u notice the site he copied that bul888 is from an LTTE website and he thinks it is proof. poor kid.
  17. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    i do agree with most of the things you say. :tup: very sensible unlike the others, who support LTTE. Demilitarization is needed in North, no doubt about that. The army has been withdrawn to a certain extent with families relocated. But still we cannot hope a 100% demilitarization, mainly...
  18. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    LTTE was not started in TN. sometimes not everyone good with google either. :laugh:
  19. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    Is that the PROOF you can come up with? Must have searched in the old news section and you managed to find one from an LTTE website :rofl: what a 'genious'. Get this into your head. Army declared NFZ for the civilians and LTTE went inside with along with the civilians and fired at the...
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