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  1. pak(*stani

    Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program Announces Research Grant!

    al Salaam alekum, i was having problem finding a link to write my own post, but this one here seemed related some how so decided to do it right here! It seems related some how, and what i will share below does need some serious research for sake of confirmation, perhaps it will catch some one's...
  2. pak(*stani

    Obama, the dajjal?

    not one eye but two, only one of them will be seeing while other blind and between both eyes will be three letters. thats a sign! the eye through which he reaches you is one and blind too, the TV! the one he uses to reach you is also one and not so blind, the camera! it is mentioned the...
  3. pak(*stani

    DAJJAL = ANTIChrist ??

    al' Salaam alekum, your question is most ignored point today and something surely needs to be done in this regard. Starting from the fact that Islam and Christianity both gave the signs of Dajjal-antichirst, signs of both great religions point to one and same thing, al_dollar, it not only...
  4. pak(*stani

    The Young Pakistani Flag Movement

    al' Salaam alekum! i feel like saying more than just a sentence to do justice with the topic, if am allowed. This is what our flag means to me since i have read about birth of (*slam in times of Ibraheem A.S and its completion in times of Muhammad A.S from Quran, both Prophets of leaving...
  5. pak(*stani

    Obama, the dajjal?

    it is a point to ponder! he dont only have Muslim name Hussein but also Jewish name Barack yet is know to be a Christian, but did surely came riding a donkey!
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