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Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program Announces Research Grant!


Apr 2, 2008
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Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program Announces Twenty-Seven Research Grants

Washington, DC
September 2, 2010

The Governments of the United States and Pakistan announced on September 1 the awarding of science and technology cooperative research grants to 27 joint teams of U.S. and Pakistani researchers, funded by contributions from both governments. The joint research resulting from these grants will strengthen scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries in ways that will help advance human and economic development in Pakistan, including health, water, agriculture, and energy.

This is the fourth round of science and technology cooperative research grants between the United States and Pakistan made through the program, with more awards than in any previous round, bringing the total number to 73. Expanding this program has been an important focus of the Science and Technology Working Group, one of thirteen working groups of the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue. This expansion also furthers the Administration’s global engagement initiative announced by President Obama in Cairo in June 2009.

Since 2005, the Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program has provided research grants to joint Pakistan-U.S. teams through a transparent, merit-based, joint decision-making process. One new project is a collaboration between Pakistan’s National University of Science and Technology and the University of Oklahoma to build capacity in disaster risk assessment and management, including strategies for reducing risks from floods.

The Pakistan-U.S. S&T Cooperation Program is one of several activities through which Pakistan and the U.S. are collaborating on important social and economic issues related to science and technology. Numerous agencies on both the U.S. and Pakistan side are engaged in some of the most pressing environment, science, technology and health issues facing Pakistan, including collaboration on water resources assessment and management; promoting linkages between scientists and institutions in both countries; and supporting Pakistani women and youth in science, technology and engineering fields.:coffee:

Results will be subjected that, what are the intentions infact, behind.:smokin:
al Salaam alekum,
i was having problem finding a link to write my own post, but this one here seemed related some how so decided to do it right here! It seems related some how, and what i will share below does need some serious research for sake of confirmation, perhaps it will catch some one's eye and be beneficial some how.

Universe is governed by the rule of right hand law, we fail to find the rule of left hand law, right hand law = counterclockwise rotation and the rule of left hand law= clockwise rotation, we only find rule of right hand law in all celestial bodies and weather patterns(all hurricanes,tornados, twisters, typhoons) on each Northern Hemisphere, all hearts follow same rule since blood and cytoolasm only rotate counterclockwise only, all snail shells are designed exactly in same pattern and not a single left handed design is to be found, all plants and seeds come to life under same rule of law of right hand, all flowers bloom only the twist of right hand, more so even all the bottle corks, jar caps and nuts and bolts man has ever put together too open only in the very same direction despite the fact that we also have a left hand but the superiority of the rule of right hand law over the left is a very evident proof that there is A1GOD/A1LAH who has A1LAW and it is further evident through Golden ratio, a divine ratio that is present in all creation, the ratio is 1'618, amazing thing to note is this, the unit and tenth of this ratio is 18 which in all other languages of world looks like 1/\, the /\ is like an Arc and this is what the Arc of covenant refers to because once again the hand of covenant/pledge/promise is the right hand and notice that all right hand palms display the unit and tenth of the golden ratio being 1/\.

NOw here is another amazing finding, Jews pray 18 Amidah's on Saturdays, Christians have 18 benedictions, Hindus have 18 vedas, Budhists have 18 Mudras of healing system, even chinese refer to 18 as holy and lucky number and the 18th floor is the most expensive to rent or buy in china! BUt still no one yet knows that the very same 18 is on their right hand palms.

Further more all religions, mainly Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the monotheist religions, all refer to the significance of right hand in their respective divine books recieved from same One GOD!

Isiah mentions GOD created UNiverse with his right hand and spaneth(measured) earth and all with the palm of His right hand(golden ratio having unit and tenth of 18 that is present on our right hand aswell)!

IN JOb40-14 "And then i will confess unto thee, that thy own right hand can save thee"( now is the time to understand that there is no GOD beside a 1 GOD, becuase there is no other hand, not even a left hand to be seen in creation, and there is not a single proof to suggest that law of right hand is challenged in any way to support athiest belief or there would be atleast one snail shell left handedly created nor a single planet, star, galaxy!

In judaism it is known to be a fact that 18 refers to Torah, a divine widsom recieved by Moses on his right hand on mount tur! I believe the Torah which means TUV-RAH(Straight path) is still on each right hand, a wisdom unfolding again! Tuv-Rah or Torah is the straight path, the path of right hand, and the Kaba in Makkah where Muslims go to make seven circles around a cube like building was buit by the father of all monotheistic religions, Abraham (salutation be upon him)! NOtice the direction set for this circulbulation too is based on the rule of right hand law and it was aphenomena first noticed by him and thus began the Monothiestic religon of Peace through Submission to A1GOD/A1LAH/A1LAW! Muslim=Peacemaker and vice virsa Peacemaker = Muslim, but to make peace it is a must to have A1LAw and obey A1LAw only and to not have UNlaw where some are treated different than others, Leviticus in Bible is clear on that, that QUOTE:"ye shall have a one manner of law for your self as well as for the stranger for i am your lord A1GOD"!

THe Hajj ritual displays the perfect harmony and peace despite millions of humans orbiting a cube like building all at once, the secret to that peace is the following of one and same direction by all or it would be a disaster, now we notice universe and all its creation the rule of right hand law too yet man fails to get t he message that underlines the major ingredient of Peace, A1LAw!

Jews call end times, 'Ahirat hayamin'(end times and the right hand)!
Chrsitians are promised wisdom of right hand to be saved in end times!
Muslims are given sign of apearance of the right hand of GOD in end times!

Mankind had made a pledge in spiritual world to not worship aught beside A1GOD and here is the reminder of that pledge with complete proof and wisdom using one's own right hand!

Each and every seed is based on a left half and a right one, only the right half grows to be a shoot and spirals counterclockwise(right hand spin) when it grows always too!

And that is the secret behind the Jesse tree Prophecy that a Shoot will grow out, we could not have witnessed this right hand rule of law for shoot growth untill we advanced in technology using time lapse to view the events in nature, and now after observing them, it has become evident that Jesus sat on the right hand of GOD because god dies not need help from the left and all creation is in the right hand of GOD who has no son or a father yet father's all creation and is almighty Omnipotent one and only Creator worthy of all praise and worship through obedience!!!
a good step in right direction rather than funding gureillas to fight the communists!
Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program Announces Twenty-Seven Research Grants
Synopsis of Program and Background
In 2003, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of Pakistan and the United States Department of State signed a comprehensive Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement that established a framework to increase cooperation in science, technology, engineering, and education for mutual benefit and peaceful purposes between the science and education communities in both countries. In 2005, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) joined with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) to support the joint Pakistan-US Science and Technology Cooperation Program. Beginning in 2008, the United States Department of State (DOS) joined USAID as US co-sponsor of the program. This program, which is being implemented by the US National Academy of Sciences on the US side, is intended to increase the strength and breadth of cooperation and linkages between Pakistan scientists and institutions with counterparts in the United States.

Each country has contributed funds to support Cooperation Program projects under this Agreement that would enhance the ability of the science and technology community to positively contribute to human and economic development in Pakistan.

In November 2005 (Phase 1), 11 projects Pakistan-US S&T Cooperation Program Phase 1 Grantees were selected for funding, receiving a combined total of more than $4.9 million from the Pakistani and US sides. In December 2006 (Phase 3), 13 more projects Pakistan-US S&T Cooperation Program Phase 2 Grantees were funded for a total of more than $5.2 million, plus 3 additional projectsPakistan-US Cooperative Program in Earthquake Engineering received more than $1 million in a special competition devoted to earthquake-related collaboration. In February 2008 (Phase 3), 19 new grants Pakistan-US S&T Cooperation Program Phase 3 Grantees were awarded, and the most recent batch of selections (Phase 4) Pakistan-US S&T Cooperation Program Phase 4 Grantees was announced in September 2010. The US-side budgets of the grants have ranged from $40,000 for a one-year project to $350,000 for each of several three-year projects. On the Pakistani side, budgets have ranged from $30,000 to $500,000.

Applicants are reminded that priority is given to projects in which the main locus of activity is in Pakistan, not the United States, so budgets should be allocated accordingly.
Pakistan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program Announces Twenty-Seven Research Grants
Program Objectives
Projects funded under this solicitation should contribute to building capacity in Pakistan and strengthening US-Pakistan cooperative relationships in one or more of the following ways:

Improving the quality, relevance, or capacity of education and research at Pakistani institutions of higher education in science and technical fields.
Improving the capacity of Pakistani public and private science institutions to support industry competitiveness.
Increasing the capacity of science and technology to improve the well-being of ordinary Pakistani people. Topics include, but are not limited to basic education, basic health, nutrition, water/sanitation, environment, and economic development.
Proposals should clearly explain how the project would facilitate capacity building at the institutional level in Pakistan. Projects that would only enhance the capabilities of their individual participants, with no demonstrated broader impact, will be at much lower priority for funding. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to review the lists of projects funded in 2005, 2006, and 2007 to gain a better understanding of the types of activities supported under this program.

As part of the current call for proposals, offering a special opportunity for proposals in the biological sciences, with emphasis on human and animal infectious disease, as well as best practices in laboratory management.

Another special opportunity exists for proposals in the chemical sciences that focus on best practices in chemical management, pesticide management, and chemical safety education.

Eligibility Information
PI Eligibility Limit: Proposals are to be developed by partnerships that should include at least one Pakistani partner and one US partner. Projects involving participants from only one country (Pakistan or the United States) are ineligible and will not be reviewed. In developing proposals, proposing partners are urged to take advantage of the widest range of Pakistani talent capable of contributing to the achievement of objectives. In particular, partners should explain in their proposals how they will encourage the participation of women and ensure that they are provided equal opportunities for involvement in the proposed projects, whether as co-investigators, post-doctoral researchers, students, trainees, or conference participants.

Topical Eligibility Limit: Due to US government regulations, the program cannot fund research involving “testing or breeding, feasibility study, variety improvement or introduction, consultancy, publication, or training in connection with the growth or production [of a crop] in a foreign country for export if such export would compete in world markets with a similar commodity grown or produced in the United States." Before preparing their proposals, applicants intending to submit proposals involving research on citrus crops, sugar cane, or cotton are advised to e-mail a brief explanation of their proposed projects to pkcontract@nas.edu for an advance determination of eligibility by program staff in consultation with US government sponsors.

Award Information
Anticipated Type of Awards: Requests for funding can vary in amount and length but should not exceed three years. In order to achieve significant progress towards one of the program objectives, proposals are generally expected to involve multiple individuals and contribute to building strengths of key institutions in Pakistan. Project funding is generally expected to be in the range of $100,000 to $300,000 per year (combined total for the Pakistani and US partner institutions). Capital costs for the construction of new buildings will not be covered. Salary costs for senior individual participants are expected to be covered from other sources, but salary support for junior team members and technical support staff may be included as appropriate. An annual progress report will be required. Continuing-year funding of multi-year projects will be contingent upon a merit-based annual evaluation of progress.

Proposals should include all activities and costs necessary to achieve the results stated in the application. Leveraging of resources is encouraged; therefore, the entire cost of the project should be included. Applicants are required to disclose any other funding received or applied for from other sources that would support the proposed project.

Projects funded through this solicitation will not be given any preference for funding under future USAID- or DOS-supported programs.

Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated in separate peer review processes organized by the Pakistani and US sponsors according to 1) relevance to the goals enumerated above under “Program Objectives,” 2) the scientific and technical merit of the proposal, 3) the cost-effectiveness of the project, 4) the capabilities of the participating institutions and individuals to successfully complete the project, and 5) the nature and quality of the collaboration, including the demonstrated commitment of the proposing partners to ensuring the participation of women in the project. Final funding decisions will be reached by consensus among the Pakistani and US sponsors.
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