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  1. D

    Bollywood's expanding reach

    Our cultural power will be dominant in the whole world before the end of the century. Bollywood will be the new Hollywood.
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    Is India on its way to becoming a superpower?

    After we take Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka we will have full regional control and then we will move into Tibet and then take over SCS with help from Vietnam and Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Indonesia. At the same time we will move into the Middle East (with permission from...
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    Nepal had offered to join Indian Union in 1947: Sudershan

    We should take over our neighborhood first and then move into the Middle East, but only if America allows it or else we should just stick to our neighborhood.
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    Drone Strikes in Yemen

    America is not perfect but we believe they make the best choices and Indians will always support America no matter what.
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    Nepal had offered to join Indian Union in 1947: Sudershan

    Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.
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    'US gives security to Indian workers in Afghanistan'

    Thank you America. And we will protect any American walking on Indian soil like we do with our highest ranking officials. It will be the utmost honor and duty for every Indian to keep any American safe in India.
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    Russia threatens to pre-emptively strike US missile defence

    Russia is our best-friend-forever but America is also our best-friend-forever. India should not choose sides in this one. I think we should just stay out and see where this goes.
  8. D

    Is India on its way to becoming a superpower?

    We are already superpower. Look how we scared the European country Italy into submission. We made them pay $380,000 for 2 dead Indians. That's $190,000 each! Not even an entire village can make that much in their whole lifetime. After this victory over Italy we have showed the world we are a...
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    Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

    There is no insurgency in India, it is all myth and propaganda. India is perfect and everyone is happy.
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    UK to clear slums with illegal Indians

    It is true Indians make up the majority of the illegal immigrants, but let's not point all the fingers at us. What about the small minority of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Africans? Why Indians take all the blame? Not fair.
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