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  1. PAN-Somalist

    Thank you Turkey! :)!

    I would Like to take this opportunity To thank Turkey and Its People for the support and Aid They Have Provided For My people and Country.Turkeys Growing Contributions in the areas of education,health ,ndustry and their support For AMISOM Helps The Security and Stabilization of somalia.Words Can...
  2. PAN-Somalist

    Turkeys growing interest in Somalia

    I understand your views and how you feel about this issue.but i am not an illegal immigrant nor do i intend to stay after my limited temporary stay as a student.My professors,classmates and the people i have interected with so far has been friendly.
  3. PAN-Somalist

    Thank You China

    China is a great Civilization with ancient history,Chinese People are the Friendliest ones i have Met,We Admire Chinese Leadership and Side With On Issues Of Common and Strategic Interest. The Chinese Support For Kashmiri Feedom is something which Makes us all proud as They Stand With Freedom...
  4. PAN-Somalist

    Why India is not a superpower

    The probability of something happening is never a zero,however,the eradication of the age old caste system which discriminates and the entrenched corruption as well the "Brain Drain" Will pose a serious hurdles on the way.China is grooming itself as a superpower and have shown good indications...
  5. PAN-Somalist

    Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

    As a sunni dominated Nation,Turkey Will establish it self as a regional superpower in Middle east.
  6. PAN-Somalist

    French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

    It sad when Thousands of Muslim Turks Died at the hands of Armenians Thugs are not Even Mentioned.The so called Armenian Genocide is a conspiracy theory,A vicious Campaign To Tarnish The Peaceful Image of The Ottomon Turks.We Always Side With Turkey on this issue.May be French needs to took into...
  7. PAN-Somalist

    Turkeys growing interest in Somalia

    Turkey is doing a good humanitarian job far ahead of any other country in the world right now except USA.for a long term solution in somalia,we need a workingsecurity apparatus to maintain stability internally and hope turkey understands it.
  8. PAN-Somalist

    'Why don't you go to Pakistan?' : PM Hasina to Khaleda Zia

    This is hilarious.havent they heard of anti-defamation laws in BD?
  9. PAN-Somalist

    Why India is not a superpower

    The Problem with india is there are too many hungry Mouths To feed ,Too much corruption as well as lack of national unity.They can forget about being superpower for now.:no:
  10. PAN-Somalist

    Who are Somalia's pirates?

    May be the international london conference on somalia held last month has everything to do with piracy problem.
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