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  1. P

    what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

    why should action be needed against them? Our military leadership is self-declared paragon for patriotism, honour,...... (atleast that is what has been sold to us in every military intervention). Why doesnt one or both of them quit themselves?
  2. P

    PAK pilots on Sukhoi's

    it means a better understanding of the platform and its envelope of operation, whose another version is operated by their Adversary. But nothing major about it... an experience and exposure for better preparation!
  3. P

    General Kayani a liar, don't trust him: Ex-CIA official

    a case of pot calling the kettle black!!! :-)
  4. P

    Indian Military was ready for a swift war after 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack

    A question to my indian friends.... if IA and IAF were ready and capable.. where was the hesitation? was it the lack of conviction in own capabilities and readiness or insecurities and fears about the kind of response to any misadventure? this post will attract some flak but I am just...
  5. P

    Does Pakistan Army has Mountain Divisions (or atleast Brigades) ?

    Hi, For your queries: 1. NLI is not a dedicated moutain warfare unit. Before becoming a regular regiment, NLI batallions used to be rotated within NA and Kashmir but now they are rotated like others. There is no designated mountain division (as in its name) but those deployed in those...
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