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    India to launch cow urine as soft drink

    According to you this buiscit is made up of cow dung isnt it..?
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    India to launch cow urine as soft drink

    ^^^How you came to the conclusion that above product uses cow urine..?product of fertile imagination huh.?
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    India’s secret ICBM ambitions

    An alert enemy is more dangerous than one with d illusion... I think your enemy is very lucky..
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    Absolutely Stunning Fighter

    ^^^why you want to compare jf-17 with lca in every thread .. This is a informative vedeo about lca:cheers:
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    Indian journo dares to call Bangladesh a ''buffer state''-Local newsmen taken aback

    Go with full speed.. pakistan is far ahead I think...Hold the flag tight:enjoy:
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    India's white elephant:Arjun```

    Now go and play with your plastic bus:coffee:
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    US proposal of guarding Bangladeshi maritime boundary:

    It is up to bangladesh what they want to do with their country..As far as my post is concerned I said US wont do anything like that without consultation with India..
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    US proposal of guarding Bangladeshi maritime boundary:

    walk the talk.. Why you people are so upset about US forces in your backyard..If you are not ready for it then why should bangladesh..?
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    India beautiful

    Meals ready:partay: Iam feeling hungry will post remaining afterwards:P
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    Tropex 09: 3 wings of defence come togethr for biggest-ever joint amphibious exercise

    We are fed up with defending now going for an attack with those terrorists..
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    US proposal of guarding Bangladeshi maritime boundary:

    Where is oil in bangladesh...Anyway India wont let this happen..
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    Unable to build aircraft

    Your dream of 6th generation was so intense that LCA came out in front of world in your generation boy..open your eyes it is morning boy:cheesy: Dont worry those are dummy testing bombs... Now smell the cofee..:cheers:
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    ^^^^yes I agree ... If chinas development has rubbing effect on Indian economy then it is good for India if chinas develops with double digit growth
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    So every year above problem is there..? what about data of january 2008?
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    Unable to build aircraft

    We are the people who appreciate every forward step in science which our country takes..irrespective of its cost ,, not the one who knows only to eat as much as possible and next thing is to search for public toilet:sick:
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    Unable to build aircraft

    JF_17 is more advanced fighter plane than sukhoi 30 mki ..and is produced by pakistan ..Are you happy? Now stop jumping..
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    Indian journo dares to call Bangladesh a ''buffer state''-Local newsmen taken aback

    Now here you go If a Indians jurnalist can speak for Indian policies I dont want to argue any further..If the statement was from minister himself then also it wont indicate bangladesh is a buffer state..
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