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  1. M

    US 'biggest' threat, say Pakistani Polls

    Either that or you simply didn't get his sarcasm :whistle:
  2. M

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    There are so many other ways in which China or OIC punish India if they strongly believe Pakistan's case. But lets not argue over this, because we will be diverting from the topic at hand i.e. whether India supports Taliban or not. Can you please give me a link to the ISSA report? Apart from...
  3. M

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Please don't tell me that Pakistan does not have any allies in the world. If not US, I am sure atleast the trusted allies of Pakistan (read China and OIC) will support Pakistan if indeed the evidence is presented. What has Pakistan to lose by presenting it to the media? If nothing else it will...
  4. M

    India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

    If that was the case, then Bangladesh would not have elected Sheikh Mujib's daughter Sheikh Hasina (who by your own admission is pro India) with such overwhelming majority in the recent elections;)
  5. M

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Even though it is not true, for the sake of argument lets assume that US always looks other way with respect to India. But this doesn't stop the GoP from making its case to the media or the UN like India did after bombay attacks. Why haven't Zardari , Kiyani or Gilani made any statement in the...
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    Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan: US Senator ! WHO IS LYING

    The CIA has been using the Shamsi airfield. There is an article in Times UK regarding this titled "Secrecy and denial as Pakistan lets CIA use airbase to strike militants". The forum doesn't allow me to post the url :(
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    For Holbrooke, Situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan Is 'Dim and Dismal'

    S2, I totally agree with you. And if this indeed is the line of thinking of the Obama administration, it is a win-win situation for all 1. Pakistan gets the aid it desperately needs and the taliban destabilizing the country are gone. 2. US's WoT will see a lot of progress 3. Lastly there will...
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    Will IAF have an edge over PAF in advanced air weaponry?

    Women are seen as soft by nature. So any woman in public life always tries to project herself as tough because she would otherwise not survive in the male dominated world of politics. I would be hard pressed to think of a female world leader who is seen as soft. On other hand I can think of...
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