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    100 crore stolen BY THE PUNJAB GOVT.

    I am the son of one of the owners.
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    Why China paid $1trillion to US but doesn't pay a dime to the Pak govt?

    ALL WRONG...if America falls into a financial crisis, everyone is heavily affected if we fall into a financial crisis, no one gives a crap..........WE HAVE BEEN IN A FIANANICAL CRISIS SINCE THE 70'S
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    What is the Direct Trade Exchange value of Pakistan?

    Im sorry INDIA IS NOT THE REASON OF THE SUCCES OF THE UAE, the uae's success is because of the OIL RIGS GET THAT INTO YOUR THICK HEAD OIL... and go to China and say youre indian, they respect pakistanis much more and thats important because are Singapore japan etc going to be the next...
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    100 crore stolen BY THE PUNJAB GOVT.

    Yes, without a trial, just shoot them all in a firing squad... and also im startled no one else replied.... well what is there to reply of this corrupt goverment?
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    100 crore stolen BY THE PUNJAB GOVT.

    sorry that wasnt 1 crore thats 10 crore.
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    100 crore stolen BY THE PUNJAB GOVT.

    What is this country? A clean drinking water project worth 100 crore was awarded to AA Flow Matic Engineering PVT LTD, and it was told to instal some 700 clean drinking water plants in the area of punjab. After the first two payments (some 10 crore) they stopped giving the money., They shelved...
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