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What is the Direct Trade Exchange value of Pakistan?

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
First read this sentence:

Dubai trade with the world maintained high rates of growth during the first five months of the current year as the total direct trade exchange reached over Dhs289bn with an increase rate of 27% as compared to the same period of 2010 where value of trade exchanges were worth Dhs228bn.

Now here is a brief info regarding Dubai:

Area (including the artificial islands) : 4,114*km2*(1,588.4*sq*mi) Population (2010) Emirate 2,262,000 / Density 408.18/km2*(1,057/sq*mi) / Metro 3,410,737

17% Emirati
9.1% Other Arab nationalities
42.3% Indian
13.3% Pakistani
7.5% Bangladeshi
2.5% Filipino
1.5% Sri Lankan
0.9% European
0.3% American
5.7% other countries

A small emirate like Dubai with an area of 4,114 KM2 has a trade exchange worth 228bn.

How much is the direct trade exchange of Pakistan as a whole?
Let us say which state has the largest direct trade exchange in Pakistan?
Let us say what is the direct trade exchange of the largest State (as per area) in Pakistan?
Let us say what is the direct trade exchange of the most populous State in Pakistan?

Just to remind you that Dubai does not have oil enough for local petrol outlets to suppy to the consumers (population of Dubai is between 2.5 to 3 million) and so does Pakistan.

They had shortage of sea shores for future expansion and developments due to the expanding population. They built artificial islands to cope with the increase in tourism and trade. The length of the artificial sea shores (after building the many different artifical islands) has increased the sea shore line of Dubai to almost double. Pakistan has many times more natural seashore than the natural seashores and the man made sea shores of Dubai combined but is it being used to the best?

Our politicians have investments in Dubai in specific, and in UAE in general, but, do these politicians ever try to learn from the gulf states and bring the good things in these states to their country for the development of the people and the country?


Now here is the complete article from which i quoted the sentence at the beginning :


Dubai trade with the world maintained high rates of growth during the first five months of the current year as the total direct trade exchange reached over Dhs289bn with an increase rate of 27% as compared to the same period of 2010 where value of trade exchanges were worth Dhs228bn.

Statistics issued by Dubai Customs on the first five months of 2011 shows growth in all sectors of direct trade between Dubai and the rest of the world which included exports, imports and re-exports. Likewise, Free Zones trade scored a boost by 25% of over Dhs160bn as opposed to Dhs128bn in the same period last year.

In addition, the Customs Warehouse business attained record growth by 58% approximate to Dhs1.9bn as compared to the 1.2bn scored last year. Thus, the total of Dubai trade rates, which include direct trade, free zones and customs warehouses, jumped into Dhs452bn compared to the Dhs358bn with a growth rate of 26%.

H.E. Ahmed Butti Ahmed, Executive Chairman of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation and Dubai Customs Director General stated that the increasing growth witnessed in Dubai trade with the world reinstates the strength and firmness of the UAE's economy.

"This is attributed to the economic diversity Dubai enjoys as well as the remarkable status it takes being a key business hub. Dubai direct trade with the world during the first five months of this year scored record rates if we look back at the same periods of the past five years. This reflects that Dubai has already overcome the financial crisis which stormed the international markets and still do," he said.

He further noted that the statistical indicators issued for Dubai direct trade during January - May 2011 period demonstrated a major growth in the exports movement by 36% amounting to Dhs36.4bn as opposed to Dhs26.7bn on the same period last year. As for the re-exporting sector, it grew by 33% reaching Dhs74.2bn as compared to Dhs55.8bn. Imports went up by 23% reaching Dhs178.8bn compared to Dhs145.6bn for the same period of 2010.

H.E. Ahmed Butti believes that these indicators highlight an economic sustainable growth in Dubai and a clear emphasis on the productive value added sectors manifested in the highly developed infrastructure and the advanced set of legislations which create equal and competitive opportunities for the business community.

"Dubai's economic policies are distinctive and its economic legislations and systems meet top international standards and practices," he added.

As per the issued statistics by Dubai Customs, India gained the biggest share of Dubai direct trade with the world with a total trade exchange of over Dhs87bn between both countries during the first five months of 2011 forming 30% of the total rate of Dubai trade.

H.E. Ahmed Butti stressed India's significance being the first trade partner and he believes that business movement between the two countries can achieve even more gains in the upcoming period taking into account the promising opportunities the economies of both sides have.

He pointed out as well that India topped the rest of the countries whether in imports which reached Dhs41.3bn, exports which exceeded Dhs16bn or/and the re-exporting processes whose value was around Dhs30bn.

China came second place in terms of imports with a value of Dhs18.5bn, followed by the USA with a value of Dhs13.1bn. As for the exports list, Switzerland came second place with value of Dhs2.7bn, followed by Saudi Arabia with exports worth Dhs1.7bn during the first five months of 2011.

Rough and manufactured diamonds are the number one goods of Dubai imports with a value of around Dhs31bn. Gold ore came second with over Dhs29.5bn, followed by jewelry and its accessories and precious metals with a value of over Dhs10.1bn, and cars and spare-parts with more than Dhs7.7bn.

Whereas in the Dubai export list to the world gold came at the top with over Dhs22bn, followed by petroleum oil and those extracted from bituminous minerals with a value of Dhs1.5bn.

Diamonds topped the re-exporting list during the first five months with over Dhs33.2bn, cars and spare-parts came second place with a value of Dhs3.75 and then jewelry and precious metals with a value of Dhs3.1bn.

Dubai direct trade with the world reaches Dhs289bn in five months | Dubai Customs | AMEinfo.com
Difference is people in Pakistan , are waiting for Salaries , they wait for aid and and salary hand out

In UAE they had oil , they used the funds to develop trade and commerce we have Gas in Pakistan but our idiots keep blowing up the gas pipe line who really should be caught and hanged like they hand ppl in Iran
In UAE they had oil , they used the funds to develop trade and commerce we have Gas in Pakistan but our idiots keep blowing up the gas pipe line who really should be caught and hanged like they hand ppl in Iran

UAE still has oil in commercial quantities (In Abu Dhabi only).

However, Dubai does not get free oil from Abu Dhabi, infact Dubai does not even buy oil from Abu Dhabi, it buys it from International markets.
I never knew there were nearly 50% Indian's in Dubai!

yes, indians are the resason that Dubai is the richest among the emirates. We should bne proud of this fact, and indian management is very well respected in Gulf as well as east asian countries ilke Singapore, japan, indo etc. I was in Germany recently when the officer at the immigration welcomed me and said that IT guys are all over the place in europe. (PS an india was recenelty named the CEO of Deutsche bank)
yes, indians are the resason that Dubai is the richest among the emirates. We should bne proud of this fact, and indian management is very well respected in Gulf as well as east asian countries ilke Singapore, japan, indo etc. I was in Germany recently when the officer at the immigration welcomed me and said that IT guys are all over the place in europe. (PS an india was recenelty named the CEO of Deutsche bank)
Im sorry INDIA IS NOT THE REASON OF THE SUCCES OF THE UAE, the uae's success is because of the OIL RIGS
and go to China and say youre indian, they respect pakistanis much more
and thats important because are Singapore japan etc going to be the next superpower? NO. China is.
Im sorry INDIA IS NOT THE REASON OF THE SUCCES OF THE UAE, the uae's success is because of the OIL RIGS
and go to China and say youre indian, they respect pakistanis much more
and thats important because are Singapore japan etc going to be the next superpower? NO. China is.
Actually an average Chinese does not give a damn either ways. Just the Internet community here at PDF.
Lol these pakistanis think that they are present , no foremost in the minds of the Chinese. trust me, the Chinese on the street (I mean the educated ones in the big cities) are aware and respect certain things about india. They have absolutely no opinion about Pakistan and have scarcely met any pakistanis.. So please shut it. Pakistan has gladly and willingly allowed itself to be used by the next superpower , China. That s the only reason Pak is important to the Chinese Foreign ministry.
now I dont know how many times you have been to China, but I go there very often. There are clubs in Shanghai that play bollywood music. Chinese know about indias proficiency in software and respect it. At least 2 Chinese from China report directly to me and I do my best to cultivate a good impression of pakistan to them ;)
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