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    Should Bangladesh deploy ARMY at the border?

    are u sales man always selling of ur book which dont have any stanards d ever pakistan read it and more did ut right only 1 book till now
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    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    no it wasnt netural military analyssist are of opinion that pak millitarry planner did thought about that inair forces will strike deep though pak shot 3 inaif planes but they were on spying mode. and that time though pak had f 16 but this plane didnt had...
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    India's Nuclear Agreement

    sorry but chinese to recived american help after president Richard nixon afterde he visited china n china helped american by allowing american to surround ussr . chinese got lot of americen technology:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
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    and who will wipe it . out its upto govt of pakistan to wipe it out. nobody else r going to help nethier amercian nor chinese and not the hell any country in this world. rembeer one thing terrorism is double edge sword yes it hurts ur oppent but mind it...
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    Stolen Indian Nuclear Material

    Respected Mr T_rex this regarding ur post of stolen indian material i would like to reminnd u that i case of india no of its any politican hae been hange(reason is known and this not regarding that). I would like to make point that hanging of people has...
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    Alienation Of Indian Muslims

    Mr munshi tell me one thing why the hell you bring india in your all tpoics ? i read your post reagrding cri where blag lost to nz and you brought your selectors in midddle comparing to your courrpt poltician (according to you) blooooooby...
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    dont blame afrid he is one on the best opening BATSMEN in the world . just return his opening slot and seee how he blast his oppent. the whole eposide sart with bob woomeler who lowered down him
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    New Political System for Pakistan

    ok good post but can you suggest some better govering system .:coffee:
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    Random songs and videos

    hi nero i am aerial . your forum seems to be netural :tup: but little bias :tdown: (against indian and usa uk and first world cuntries). since your online now please reply .:undecided::azn::crazy:
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