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  1. bellicose.mcbein

    Pictures of Women in the Armed Forces

    lol are you married? didn't think so
  2. bellicose.mcbein

    Pictures of Women in the Armed Forces

    statistically russian women bang the most because of the long winters. i guess that means they give you the most bang for your buck. american women otoh won't consent for less than a 5 br house and 401k.
  3. bellicose.mcbein

    N & S Waziristan Taliban Groups Join Forces

    maybe this facade of mutual unaccommodation is no longer a critical component of us-pak relationship? how much of it is a facade, and how privy are us lawmakers to this delicacy? all these questions need not be asked anymore imo especially if the anti-american anti-pa segment in pakistan is...
  4. bellicose.mcbein

    lugar, clinton, call for review of "failed" us-cuba policy

    Lugar Calls for a "Return to Realism" on Cuba - The Washington Note washingtonpost.com i remember when hurricane katrina devastated the gulf coast in 2005. cuba was one of the first countries to offer aid. the cold war zombies in the state dept. rejected it. i really hope obama cleans house...
  5. bellicose.mcbein

    Pakistan says last payment from US for fighting Taliban delayed

    will you pm me and direct me to that thread? otherwise please stay on topic mr mod. as you can see the america-bashing tends to distract some members easily
  6. bellicose.mcbein

    Pakistan says last payment from US for fighting Taliban delayed

    and we are willing to pay it, just show us the receipts. be accountable, and don't defraud the u.s. taxpayer, that is the biggest mistake pak can make!
  7. bellicose.mcbein

    Pakistan says last payment from US for fighting Taliban delayed

    that $8 billion figure is, for all we know, an absolute fabrication where are the receipts! U.S. Payments To Pakistan Face New Scrutiny - washingtonpost.com frikkin amateurs. these payments must pass u.s. congress, which must answer to the u.s. taxpayer. thus, pak must answer to the u.s...
  8. bellicose.mcbein

    Your favorite English songs

    nobody wants to listen to your toby keith american soldier bullshit, least of all me. so keep doing whatever you're doing dumbass.
  9. bellicose.mcbein

    7 reasons the world will end in 2012.

    don't hold your breath!
  10. bellicose.mcbein

    7 reasons the world will end in 2012.

    indeed. in christianity the book of revelations was likely written for those early christians who dared to wonder "why hasn't jesus returned yet as foretold in the gospels?" all sorts of apocalyptic literature can be found in the apocrypha, it was all written to boost troop morale and keep...
  11. bellicose.mcbein

    Your favorite English songs

    fugazi, waiting room
  12. bellicose.mcbein

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    what so many muslims evidently don't understand is that us national interests are accidentally aligned against countries that are accidentally muslim. even when the cia was overthrowing the shah in iran, our goal was to preserve bretton woods by ensuring a steady oil supply, and also maintaining...
  13. bellicose.mcbein

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    5 million returns, all .com's http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=39b&as_q=government+conspiracy&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&num=10&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i&as_sitesearch=.com&as_qdr=all&as_rights=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images
  14. bellicose.mcbein

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    :guns:. i am tired of the sourpuss in this country with the conspiracy theory who can never back anything up, blaming "government control" over the media. how's this. why hasn't the gov't censored you any of the other conspiracy nuts blogging on the internet. come on. give us your url
  15. bellicose.mcbein


    :argh: bro, you sound so american. you're like a meta american. represent
  16. bellicose.mcbein

    Obama I can do whatever i like

    agreed. he is one month in office, let's give him a chance.
  17. bellicose.mcbein

    is fatima bhutto dating george clooney ?

    lol what's wrong with george clooney?
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