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  1. Awan68

    It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

    Jatts live in the ethinic embodiment of Sikhs, yet as proud Muslims in Pakistan, with our Army chief as a Jatt, Pakistan stands with our Sikh brothers in the fight against Hindutva. A new state for Sikhs in the form of Khalistan is long over due. Sikhs are a martial race which in essence is in...
  2. Awan68

    Why has the government and state not asked for proof of PML N's allegation of rigging against state insitutions.

    In any self respecting and worth half a dime state, the immediate response to allegations of rigging against institutions of national security would be countered by demands for proof and in abscence of such proof, severe charges would be brought against the perpetrators, yet i have not seen even...
  3. Awan68

    Imran Khan is a stupid Idiot with a running mouth.

    In the Jalsa yesterday in waziristan, Imran Khan again threw oil on the fire of PTM threatening the area. He again spewed hia adolescent and idiotic narrative that Army was sent in to tribal areas on behest of the US. When a leader who is sitting in the centre says this, the local tribals who...
  4. Awan68

    TTP pledges solidarity with Aurat March.

    This :rofl:
  5. Awan68

    For the First Time in History, Afghan Women March in Kabul in Support of Kashmir.

    KABUL - In Kabul, Afghan women for the first time staged a rally to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people. READ MORE:International Conference on Kashmir in British Parliament: A big diplomatic success for Pakistan They chanted anti India and pro freedom slogans. They were also carrying...
  6. Awan68

    Pakistan amongst top countries with acess to electricity.

    Pakistan in the List of Top 10 Countries in Access to Electricity By Aiman Bilal - January 16, 2019 Surprisingly, Pakistan is in the top ten list of those countries that have access to electricity. The World Index has compiled a list of all the nations of the world that provides maximum...
  7. Awan68

    Indian man arrested for raping a cow.

    News Indian Man Arrested for Raping Cow 2 Hours Ago No Comments An Indian man has been arrested for having sex with an injured cow using coconut oil as a lubricant, local reports have stated. Muthu, aged between 50 and 55, was seen with the animal, which was lying injured on a railway...
  8. Awan68

    Taxing the untaxable.

    The influence of shrines in Pakistan runs deep, carried on the shoulders of history as the main catalyst for spread of Islam to the subcontinent. Although simple and true in its initiation as all things are, it has over time turned into a multi trillion business with 'Gadi Nasheens' and their...
  9. Awan68

    Hell of an answer given to an Indian on Qoura, concerning Balochistan.

    This is too good:rofl::rofl:, who ever you are i tip my hat off to you maestro.
  10. Awan68

    Zainab's murderer reportedly caught by intelligence?

    Found this on FB, dont know how authentic this is but the guy standing behind her father in the presser does seem to resemble the cctv profile.
  11. Awan68

    Ego and Athiesm.

    Allah created man in his own image and it is due to that very fact that mankind has striven for dominance over all creation and it is that very lust and basic human instinct for subjugation of nature that leads some of us to deny the existance of Allah despite it bieng the most logical...
  12. Awan68

    Badass knock out match on PDF!!!

    Imagine these three badass legends against each other on a talk show, who do you think will win.:butcher: Alias: khadim hussien Rizvi. Secret lair: Confidential Strenghts: Suroo, Daliyo, Bakwas karde ne. Weakness: Tear gass. SuperPower: Tuhwadi Pen Di Siri. Favourtie bunnies: Islamabad Police...
  13. Awan68

    Yakhchal the ancient Persian refrigerator long before electricity.

    The Yakhchāl was an ancient Persian “refrigerator” that stored food and even ice long before electricity was invented XPress “Like” to follow us on Facebook Dec 20, 2017 Stefan A In case someone ever tries to argue that ancient human civilizations were less advanced when compared to modern-day...
  14. Awan68

    TTP Commander Jaan Sheena killed in Kunar, Afghanistan.

    Sorry for the thread title, couldnt resist.:lol:
  15. Awan68

    Pakistan ranked 1st in T20's, Imad Wasim top Bowler in T20's, Hassan Ali top bowler in ODI's.

    Pakistan has sprung back on to the international cricketing arena on the back of young blood with a bang, after years of instability and turmoil in the cricketing fraternity. Recent Rankings have seen Pakistan rise to become the number one team in T20's with Imad Wasim ranked as the number one...
  16. Awan68

    Remembering the Whore of the East and her psychotic father.

    The name Bhutto has proven to be a curse for Pakistan time and over again, sometimes plauging Pakistan and almost all the time, Sindh. It all started with a madman who rose to power, a man whose chaotic nature would dwarf the madness of Modi and Trump. This man belonged to the red corridor, an...
  17. Awan68

    Pakistani mothers did not get to meet their sons, whom Kulbhushan murdered in cold blood.

    Dear policy makers in Pakistan, ap ne humanitarian nhn beghairati ke grounds pe Kalboshan se milne diya hai aus ke maa ko, i sincerely hope ke who ever decided to do this, may the curse of all those Pakistani mothers who lost their son's and daughters due to this animal be upon him. The mothers...
  18. Awan68

    Quaid e Azam wanted Presidential system for Pakistan.

    The best way to celebrate the man is to adhere to the direction he wanted for the country he strived to create. The best way to celebrate the day of his birth is to celebrate the ideas of the man by implementing them as a state. Presidential system is the closest of all systems to the Caliphate...
  19. Awan68

    Pakistan, A rising star on world map: Times of India blog

    Pakistan, A rising star on world map: Times of India blog Posted By: News Deskon: December 24, 2017Tags: Pakistan-India Share0 Tweet Visit the two countries. There is hardly any difference. The same bustling bazaars. The same chockablock traffic, screeching until one’s ears go mad. The same...
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