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    Nazi Headquarter?No,ithe Headquarter of Hailan, a CHinese enterprise!

    Hailan, a chinese enterprise of dresses&textile showes its headquarter in cyberspace.... people are amazed to find that it looks like the headquarter of Nazi Gestpo.
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    Is China an industrialized country now?

    is china an industrialized country by your criterion? just share me of your opinion! in my opinion,china is a paradox.
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    Southeast Asian smuggled From Honghong to Shenzhen

    several days ago, one Southeastaisan hid himself for 6 hours in the hongkong-Shenzhen boundary-river, Shenzhen River, in order to smuggle hismself from hongkong to shenzhen. because it was very cold ( only 4 c degree), the poor guy was almost frozen to death, when he was found and caught...
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    I smell the taste of Japan in 1931 from Turkey today

    Well,turkey invaded iraq ,and refuses to retreat,despite of the protest from iraq government,while iraq suffers from civil wars , a weak center government and foreign interferation. It reminds all chinese what Japan did with china during 1930s. In 1930s, Japanese invaded china and refused to...
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    The 13th russia_turkey war?It is time to take back Constantinopolis?

    Well,East Rome empire was destroyed and Constantinopolis was taken by turkey in 1452. Since then,russia has looked itself on as The 3rd Rome empire /the successor of east rome and fought 12 wars against tukey,just to take Constantinopolis back and recover the glory of rome. Now,is it the time...
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    The tomb of one deposed pre-chrisma Chinese emperor founded

    Liu He(92BC-59BC), the Marquis of Haihun, was once the emperor of CHinese Han Empire . But he owned the crown for only 27 days and then was deposed .and degraded as the King of Changyi When he died in 59BC, he was buried as the Marquis of Haihun. now, His tomb has been founded recently...many...
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    let's measure the standard of living with auto sale, instead of GDP

    well, one CHinese wrote one article, comparing the standard of living in different countries ,with per capita auto sale, instead of per capita GDP. the conclusion is quite amazing... 1. Generally speaking, per capita auto sale is corelated to per capita GDP. the higher per capita GDP is , the...
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    Chinese netizens mocking double standard on "terrorism"

    Well,many chinese netizens are,arguinf the double standard on terrorism … The whole world is mourning the victims in PARIS,while victims in iraq/syria/nigeria are forgotten. Are liives in iraq/syria/nigeria "cheaper" than those in france?
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    China annouced new fastest supercomputer finished

    The new supercomputer can performance 100p,which is 2-3 times faster that the former NO.1,tianhe ii. Tianhe ii is also china-made,but it use usa_made chips. But this time,the new fastest super computer uses china_made chips.
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    Recruitment advertisement for chef from Antarctica

    CHinese two outposts in Antarctica are recuiting chef.....the recruitment advertisement causes many discussions.... here is the recuitment advertisement. it says: 1. the two outposts need senior Chinesse-food chevies,who have 10 years expericence at least. 2. the yearly salary is 200-250K...
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    China~made drone assaulting terrists in IRAQ

    Chinese bbs reported that iraq government is using china~made CH4 drone to detect/assault terrorists . CH4 has features similar to USA's reapor,but costs only 1/20-1/30 Of usa couterpart. It can carry 6 missles and cruise for 40 hours.lts max voyage is 5000km.
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    the success of China's CIPS ,another challenge to USA's economical hegemony?

    does Anyone notice that CHina has finished CIPS(Cross-border Interbank Payment System)? it is one international trade currency-settlement system parallel to SWIFT controlled by USA. With CIPS, the transnational remittance can avoid being monitored/blocked by USA and its inteligence agency...
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    the best video of China's 9.3 military parade

    <iframe height=498 width=510 src="Youku Universal Player" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe> 中国九三抗战阅兵大典—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 the above is indeed the best video of China's V-D military parade on Semp. 3th,2015. I don't know how to post embed the video, SO, I direct post the link on youku.
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    A LIVE REPORT FROM a autosale guy Nearby Tianjin blast spot

    {QUOTE]本人生活在市区,工作在天津港保税区做进口车销售,接下来会说到一些真实的发生在身边的故事,现象和一些思考。 12日夜,事情发生时本人在市区的家中即将入睡,接到消息是有同事给我发视频求鉴定是否为敌袭,毕竟军迷这方面常识比一般人多一些。看到事态严重性之后第一时间依次拨通三个同事电话,三人住地均在距离爆点直线距离600-800米的万科海港城,幸运的是有两人当时不在家,另一人在家,但仅仅轻微擦伤,不过几人家中门窗玻璃尽毁...
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    one cartoon about UNSC reform

    well, one interesting cartoon tells what is on ,as for UNSC reform.
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    the Philippines air crew accused of "theft" by Chinese tourists.

    It happened on August 11th,2015. the crew of the Philippines air flight 5 j52 flights , which flys from Boracay to changsha, are accused of "theft" by Chinese tourists. It is reported that the crew told all Chinese tourists to put their wallets into the Baggage compartment and closed all...
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    the crew of

    the crew of the Philippines air flight 5 j52 flights , which flys from Boracay to changsha, are accused of "theft" by Chinese tourists. It is reported that the crew told all Chinese tourists to put their wallets into the Baggage compartment and closed all windows just after the plane took off...
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    whom on earth are Spratly islands belong to??

    the following are my understanding of the history of Spratly islands...I am a CHinese.. 1. Before colony era, those small islands were not owned by anyone.... of course,CHinese should be the first nation that found them, after all CHina was the oldest and most-devleoped civilizaiton in the...
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    the advancing speed of PLA!

    1. Shown in the rescuing mission of 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.( during rescuing mission, PLA needn't transport heavy arms) a.Speed =1050KM/24 Hours After Wenchuan 5.12 earthquake happened in May,12th,2008, Division 127 of PLA went through 1200 KM-long way for rescue mission in 25...
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    the backbone of an emerging world power!

    here are some new industry&tech achievements of CHina. 1.world biggest bridge-style crane 2.still world biggest.guess what it is? 3.another wolrd biggest tools 4.world biggest LNG
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