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whom on earth are Spratly islands belong to??


Nov 30, 2008
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the following are my understanding of the history of Spratly islands...I am a CHinese..

1. Before colony era, those small islands were not owned by anyone....
of course,CHinese should be the first nation that found them, after all CHina was the oldest and most-devleoped civilizaiton in the area,before west nations conolized southeast Asia.

2. Before 1930s, there were controlled by France,but China(Manchuria Qing Empire and Republic of China) also claimed them

The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei all didn't claimed any of those small islands

3. During 1930s-1945,Japanese conquered coastal CHina and French IndoChina,and controlled those islands. But Republic of China still claimed those small islands.

The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei were not indpendent yet, but their suzerains say UK ,USA and Dutchland still didn't claimed any of those small islands

4. In 1945,as the main winner of WWII, CHina (republic of CHina) took over those small islands from Japanese ,as the fruit of WWII.
China realized its actual controll of those small islands at that time.

The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei were not indpendent yet,but their suzerains say UK ,France ,USA and Dutchland all accepted China's claim with tacit understanding and looked on it as the final of WW II.
In fact, it was with the help of USA that CHina took over those small island from Japan in 1945.

5. During 1950-1970s, CHinese gradually retreated and lost actual control of some islands ,and South Vietnam took over some of them.
After 1950,
Republic of China(ROC) retreated its troops from most of those small islands,except the larest island -Taiping island,because ROC failed in Chinese civil war and had to concentrated its force to defend Taiwan,although ROC never gave up its claim of those small islands.
PRC(People's Republic of CHina) won Chinese civil war(1946-1949),but its navy was still weak and could not control those small islands,althought PRC succeeds Chinese historic claim of Spratly Islands.
South Vietnam got independent in1950s and claimed those small islands, according to France actual control of them before 1930s. S.Vietnam succeeded in tooking over some of those small islands ,after ROC retreated.
North Vietnam dared not offend PRC,its main supportor and admitted PRC's claim with tacit understanding.
The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei still did not claim of those small islands.

6. After 1970s, 5 guys(Vietnam\The Philippines\PRC\Mylasia\brunei) have been taking over islands ,which were controlled and claimed by ROC(Taiwan).

it was after 1970s that The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei started to claim of those small island,as the last claimers.
PRC took over some of islands gave up by ROC .

7.Status quo
Vietnam occupys much more islands than anyone else,but it is not satisfied,because many of its claimed islands are still out of control.

The Philippines\Mylasia\brunei succeed in taking over the island they claim and are satisfied.
ROC(taiwan) manages to keep its sole island and in fact has given up taking back its lost islands.
PRC controls much less islands than It claims,so PRC is not safisfied ,either.

8. New development: The Philippines' Rejecting Chinese fishmen VS China's reclamation of islands.
Before Aquino III arrested/drove/shooted at Chiense fishmen in 2013 or so, Chinese fishmen were usually also allowed to fish around Philip-controlled disputed islands.
And PRC kept a blind eyes on Vietnam/The Philippines reclamation of the disputed islands,except useless protests.

however, status quo was broken by The Philippines's driving off Chinese fishmen around
Scarborough shoal.
Such a driving caused CHina's tough reaction---China's massive reclamation of islands in South China sea and it has changed the power-balance here forever in short time.

1. Before colony era, those small islands were not owned by anyone....
of course,CHinese should be the first nation that found them, after all CHina was the oldest and most-devleoped civilizaiton in the area,before west nations conolized southeast Asia.

Islands is part of Territory of Vietnam before colonie time.

Vietnam map, United Great Nam Empere 大南 一统 全图


Human greed (& geo-politic) is the main reason why we have all this shxt.
OK, back to reality.
1. Who able to capture, control and defence the islands win.
2. Since some ASEAN members have overlap claim, they should settle among themselves (if they able too) before saying China is bullying them. If they can't even agreed among themselve, why should China want to multilateral talk to them? (bunch of hypocrites)
3. I do prefer all member sit the fxck down the talk. Better don't develop all the island and reef, preserve some for future generations and environment.
Islands is part of Territory of Vietnam before colonie time.

Vietnam map, United Great Nam Empere 大南 一统 全图


It's a question that this map is true or not.
Even if it's true,
1.This map was write in Chinese,at that time,I wonder Vietnam was a part of China.:cheers:
2.From this map,we can conclude that Vietnam only have some little reef flats near its coast.This map proves that "nine dash line" is correct.:yahoo:
3.At that time,vietnam is just a backward region.You don't have enough strength and technology to explore islands which is in the south China sea too far away from your coast.
4.You are a funny guy,the legality of Chinese "nine dash line" is not only base on the history,but also base on the victory of WW2.
Islands is part of Territory of Vietnam before colonie time.

Vietnam map, United Great Nam Empere 大南 一统 全图



1. it is stupid to prove Vietnamese ownership with a old map,because CHina is the oldest civilziaiton in the area and has more old maps than anyone else.

2. pre-modern maps is not persuasive,because territory&sovereign today is based on treaties and finals of WW.

PLS don't forget Vietnam was a province of CHina for over 1000 years, CHina has thousands of old maps saying that Vietnam was a part of CHina.
German also has thousands of old maps saying Königsberg was a part of German.
Russia has thousands of old maps saying the whole Ukraine was a part of Russia.

Thus, Vietnam has better stop hawking useless and meaningless "old maps" everywhere,unless Vietnam could throw out the whole modern world boundaries based on treaties and WW finals.
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It belongs to China, the international community called the area surrounding it as South China Sea.
Yeah in that case, all territories in indian ocean belong to india rt?. Mate,come up with some other better and convincing logic.
Yeah in that case, all territories in indian ocean belong to india rt?. Mate,come up with some other better and convincing logic.
Do it if you can,India isn't a country when the "Indian Ocean" was named.

Yeah in that case, all territories in indian ocean belong to india rt?. Mate,come up with some other better and convincing logic.
Do it if you can,India isn't a country when the "Indian Ocean" was named.
Ok moron go and have a better english teacher.
I am so sorry that my english level is not high.We China has never been a colony of any country and so we don't proud for the good-speaking foreign language.I admitted that your English is better than me.
Congratulations,you now can communicate with your master smoothly.
It's a question that this map is true or not.
Even if it's true,
1.This map was write in Chinese,at that time,I wonder Vietnam was a part of China.:cheers:
2.From this map,we can conclude that Vietnam only have some little reef flats near its coast.This map proves that "nine dash line" is correct.:yahoo:
3.At that time,vietnam is just a backward region.You don't have enough strength and technology to explore islands which is in the south China sea too far away from your coast.
4.You are a funny guy,the legality of Chinese "nine dash line" is not only base on the history,but also base on the victory of WW2.

1. Viets kicked Han chinese invaders back to China over 1,000 year.:sarcastic:

2. Islands were drawn up nearly to our coast to demonstration that Islands does belong to Vietnam, to the country "United Great Nam " or "大南 一统 " in Han Zi, its also to prevente for that no idiot man can draw stupid nine dashed line in to it.

3. In the past Vietnamese have been fishing there, our ancestor have contorolled Islands, so your ancestor has called the sea with name "Jiao Zhi sea", the sea of Vietnamese.

4. After WW II, in San Francisco conference 1951, claim of China to Island Paracel and Spratly of Vietnam is rejected by voting.:haha:

1. it is stupid to prove Vietnamese ownership with a old map,because CHina is the oldest civilziaiton in the area and has more old maps than anyone else.

2. pre-modern maps is not persuasive,because territory&sovereign today is based on treaties and finals of WW.

PLS don't forget Vietnam was a province of CHina for over 1000 years, CHina has thousands of old maps saying that Vietnam was a part of CHina.
German also has thousands of old maps saying Königsberg was a part of German.
Russia has thousands of old maps saying the whole Ukraine was a part of Russia.

Thus, Vietnam has better stop hawking useless and meaningless "old maps" everywhere,unless Vietnam could throw out the whole modern world boundaries based on treaties and WW finals.

Chinese aggressor was kicked out from Vietnam, back to China long time ago, like France Colonials and US imperialist recently.:enjoy:

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