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I smell the taste of Japan in 1931 from Turkey today


Nov 30, 2008
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Well,turkey invaded iraq ,and refuses to retreat,despite of the protest from iraq government,while iraq suffers from civil wars , a weak center government and foreign interferation.

It reminds all chinese what Japan did with china during 1930s.
In 1930s, Japanese invaded china and refused to retreat ,while china suffered from civil wars,revolutions and foreign interferations.

China asked for helps to the league of nations ,but japan defied it ,and the league of nations could do nothing…until japan launched wwii.

Now,it seems that iraq is as helpless as china was in 1930s,while turkey is the second japan.

May UN not be the second the league of nation.
May SYria civil war not be the second spanish civil war!
May USa and EU not be as foolish as UK and France were before Wwii.

And,I am proud that china now has taken the role of pre~WWII USA,the sole major power isolating itself from wars and chaoes.
China would save the world ,after foolish USA and EU screw themselves and the world,just as USA saved the world after foolish UK and France screwed themselves and the world.
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I hope and Pray Iraq and Syria come out stronger after this is over just like China.
I hope and Pray Iraq and Syria come out stronger after this is over just like China.
no chance, those countries/boundaries as we had known them post the ottomans are gone forever. Turkey, Saudi, aided by the US want to create a sunnistan, the commies are dead but Russia are in there as a bulwark to stop this insanity by the US.

good luck to Russia, but I fear we're going to see the bomb dropped again... could be the US again or maybe Russia this time, and not against each other but on the "caliphate" or some other rebel held area.
And,I am proud that china now has taken the role of pre~WWII USA,the sole major power isolating itself from wars and chaoes..

You mean like how many Chinese here think since the US was doing little pre-1941 the US was basically profiting from both sides and that makes us a baddie...

Everything turns into a no-win situation depending upon the angle you look at it.
What really Iraq cry about ? Why they suddenly forget they ask help from Turkey to train their troops? Why now?

Well answer is really easy if know where to look. It is Iran. Iran-Russian-Iraq's Shia militias plan a operation agains Sunnis around Mosul. I do not mean ISIS I mean Sunni people in and around Mosul. When Turkey find out about this operation, US and Turkey decide to stop it. So Turkey send some troops as a messege to Iran.

When operasion is cancel Iran get really pissed off. So actually it is Iran who cry not Iraq.
Looks like veiled message directed at NATO. :D
could be :D

good times for the big guys in Syria, test your weapons, test your propaganda, test how to effectively manage militant proxies :P

BS, that cruisemissiles ara more then 25 years old. They have reach ther life span and they re using it for that they are unusable. And talking about nukes for isis is nothing more then a show:-).
I don't know, man.. things certainly feel like they're coming to a head.

the emergence of isis, Russian intervention, your shoot-down of their fencer, millions of dead/displaced, EU refugee crisis, terror in Paris and California.. what the **** is going on :woot:

this isn't business as usual for the world, it's all building up to something massive.

I'll say this much, if we see a mushroom cloud over Iraq/Syria one of these.. I'll be shocked and saddened, but not surprised.
Nothing like that as such. History has proven that Turkey's resilience is legendary. In fact Turkey will come out more stronger than ever out of this crisis.
This is infact a war of pipelines who's gonna influence who. Turkey is the gateway for pipelines coming out of Middle east into Europe and So does Syria and hence all this hoopla. Russia and US are betting on their respecting proxies to get a bigger share of influence and by extension monopolies on gas supply to Europe which Russia is enjoying right now. There is nothing like Shiite/Sunni conflict as it is being portrayed in the media.
The sooner the Russia and US get their intended share of influence in the final bargain this looming war will vanish with aftereffects left.

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