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  1. I

    Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

    From the beginning from the beginning in "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) the idea was hit, hit and hit until get a response and, then, make a big kill https://www.amazon.com/State-Terror-Terrorism-Created-Modern/dp/1566560683
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    Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

    you, Ziobots, are so boring and so predictable, first lie, then tangle and finally blurt out any cynical nonsense
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    Batches of 50 to 100 Uighur workers are being advertised on the Chinese internet

    Bots are here to explain us that wahhabi-salafist toxic is something sacred and dear to the Anglo Master because it is a good tool to create chaos and destroy Islamic societies
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    We hate the CCP but love Chinese people is bullsh*t

    CCP now is China Civilization Party
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    Shortwave Listeners?

    Tecsun PL-600 with 6 meter Antenna and i'm thinking of buying Tecsun 330 https://www.anon-co.com/product/tecsun-pl330-radio
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    Who invented the aeroplane

    Wright Brothers ... accomplished the essential steps: (1) reduce the "drag angle" by increasing Lift and decreasing Drag https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio (2) control of the three outlaws: "Roll", "Pitch" and "Yaw" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_principal_axes But...
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    DF-21D "carrier killer" missile for Pakistan?

    Aegis ... SM-3 ... is a mid-curse anti-balistic > 100 km Altitude interceptor Chinese hypersonic Missile flies toward target below 100 km altitude and then falls vertically the trajectory of these missiles is not ballistic but variants of what we can call "Qian Xuesen" trajectory...
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    U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit

    the desire for a multipolar world is widespread two hundred years from now (in the unlikely event that this world continues to exist) historians will see The West Empire as the Assyrian empire but with better music and more fantasy (1846-1830) Wall Street Wars (1945-1991) Adolf II Wars...
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    U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit

    Exactly Likud, Ariel Sharon, wanted the destruction of Iraq and the Likudnist in Washington "inside the Beltway" fulfilled their wishes
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    U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit

    Vietnam Vietnam suffered the wrath of "the blonde beast" The spirit of Adolf was visceral hatred of socialists and communists, hence his hatred of Russia and the yiddish people Adolf abandoned his war against Russia and the communists in 1945, and the Americans continued Adolf War after a...
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    U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit

    the desire for a multipolar world is widespread two hundred years from now (in the unlikely event that this world continues to exist) historians will see The West Empire as the Assyrian empire but with better music and more fantasy (1846-1830) Wall Street Wars (1945-1991) Adolf II Wars...
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    U.N. in talks with China for unrestricted Xinjiang visit

    hypocrites https://archive.ph/nwuGV day after day, month after month, year after year, since when an Empire gave away (1917-) the land of Canaan to some Russians descendants of Italians and Greek-Turkish-Persian
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    Iran, China sign 25-year cooperation agreement

    此框架下,考虑投资和融资、国际政治层面中相互支持,联合反恐斗争和举行联合演习以及国防技术的转让。该文件另一非常重要信息是德黑兰与北京之间交易中使用本国货币。加强投伊朗过境战略走廊、投资石化能源基础设施、参与伊朗东部莫克兰海岸的全面开发、帮助在伊朗建立和发展第五代互联网,并加强国家信息网络和援助伊朗和平核工业的发展是《中伊全面合作文件》中涉及到的其他问题。 提高金融和保险合作以及开设伊朗分行并建立伊中联合银行,尤其是在两国之间建立金融渠道替代环球银行金融电信协会,是伊中25年全面合作文件中最重要的问题之一 Translation: italic texts are comments...
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    Hydrogen fuels a revolution in Chinese trucking

    Exactly Trucks --> Hydrogen Cars ---> Battery
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    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    "We know very little about Chinese democracy" !? China ... Merito-cracy USA ... Pluto-cracy Portugal ... Demo-cracy
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    China’s Profitable Business of Concentration Camps

    we are going to ask "the hill in spring" to send us a propaganda robot of a current version, type 44 is an old and outdated version
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    China’s Profitable Business of Concentration Camps

    China puts wahhabi-salafists to work to lead them to a peaceful life. AngloEmpire kill wahabi-salafists or use them to spread Chaos and Terror throughout the muslim world
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    Ben Shapiro and the Myth of the Judeo-Christian West

    'Cause I found it right under the thread on nationalism: ... Identity is a Myth and because "minerva's owl takes flight at sunset" And now that the last western empire is declining it's a good time to look back
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