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  1. opinion786

    The American War Moves To Pakistan

    This 'War on Terrorism' was our 'War against Extremism' since 1980's - but no leader had the guts to fight it back. Our society has tolerated sectarian violences of 1990's, Kalashinkov culture of 1980's, and now suicide bombings of 2000's. Musharraf was the only man who dared to fight it...
  2. opinion786

    Mixed response to Asif Zardari’s address

    I'm glad its been acknowledged that 'people voted for him'. Otherwise, it was that 'Musharraf supported & put him in power'. People awarded 10 million votes to PPP, and all major leaders of PPP supported him as their candidate, and majority of so-called democratic parties elected him to...
  3. opinion786

    ISI's desperate bid to save Musharraf

    Yes, Ahmad Qureshi is as much a supporter as I am! And, I personally know he doesn't work for ISI or CIA. Musharraf has MANY die-hard fans! Ahmad also gave rare views & coverage to Sarmad Khurrum (who's well known supporter of Lawyers movement and very much anti-musharraf) .... later it...
  4. opinion786

    ISI's desperate bid to save Musharraf

    Being anti-musharraf just for nothing doesn't make it more credible. Now this is a huge accusation. Weren't you blaming Musharraf for supporting PML-Q? How could he support PPP at the same time??? His cases are being disposed off in courts NOT by Musharraf. Sell this to the Judiciary...
  5. opinion786

    Musharraf's public support!!

    Maybe you don't wish to acknowledge the difference in total votes cast & seat allocation. Yes, Musharraf did not act like a dictator ... and allowed the monarchy run party leaders back. PPP Bhutto was groomed by military man Ayub Khan. Stayed as minister in military man's cabinet...
  6. opinion786

    Musharraf's public support!!

    Excellent example!
  7. opinion786


    Nobody talks and rumors when the Army Chief Kiyani attends Musharraf's birthday on 11th August?? Where do people like Hamid Mir & Saleh Zafir run off when they have to cover news like these? The President's morals are extremely high. The President celebrated his 65th birthday, which was...
  8. opinion786


    This Mohammed Saleh Zafir was that same person who rumored 2 months back that Musharraf is about to resign and leave the country and a plane is waiting at Chaklala and the family is packing its house up. The rumor caused KSE index to lose 500 points and loss of billions of dollars. When...
  9. opinion786

    Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

    We have to control inflation to keep the economy on track and keep our foreign reserves intact to stabilize our currency. Fast depleting reserves will only destabilize our currency as crude price is going up. People abroad are holding back their remittances suspecting the crook Zardari & co...
  10. opinion786

    Pakistan rupee exchange rate news

    From an interview of former governor State Bank Dr Ishrat Hussein. Sir, what have been the economic and social implications of increase in the country’s foreign exchange reserves? One economic implication is that Pakistan has been able to manage its exchange rate without resorting...
  11. opinion786

    Does Gen. Kiyani Have To Decide Between Corrupt Politicians or Musharraf?

    What should he have done? Pakistan an agriculture country should have hijacked the industries of others to industrialize itself? PAK had $10 billion foreign reserves when Nawaz was in power in 1998, and yet there was no industrialization. Nawaz mis-spent it all after atomic blasts and the...
  12. opinion786

    Musharraf's public support!!

    Every person I now talk to, would prefer Musharraf over this PPP government. This government has literally failed to outline any economic policy or developmental program. They are bunch of clue-less feudals, that have been voted to go to some looting spree. The business community in KHI is...
  13. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    Nobody praises Musharraf and his government's efforts, since before 2003, to seek release of their gone-missing citizens in Afghanistan from USA. The article Maqsad shared is of 2003, when 11 Pakistani were freed becasue Pakistan had been holding talks with Washington on the release of its...
  14. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    Our Pakistanis should NOT walk over into Afghanistan or Kashmir against official Pakistan policy and against Foreign policy. Those that will cross over into Afghanistan or Kashmir have 100% chances of being kidnapped, go-missing, abducted, killed or ambushed.... by USA or NATO forces or RAW...
  15. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    There may be one or two random cases of Pakistani being handed over mistakenly. Even in this article of yours that you quoted above. The 11 Pakistanis that were freed were, caught in Afghanistan NOT in PAkistan after fall of Taliban. The government has been asking for their realease. Why...
  16. opinion786

    Pakistan's ISI Targeted For Uncovering American Betrayal

    This is exactly what I've been saying all along that the goal is cornering ISI (Pakistan's frontline defence) and Musharraf and topple Pakistan Army = faster Balkanization plans. The recently slipped story of Afia Siddiqi after so-called 5 years is one link in the chain of propaganda. Why...
  17. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    And, for those that are mistaken, thinking & believing that such extraditions took place only now during musharraf .... should refresh the memories of Aimal Kansi and Yusuf Ramzi... and hundreds of those that were handed over in 1980's war in Afghanistan.
  18. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    I have also read the book. Why didn't Musharraf hand over 672 people over to USA? Why only 369 ? Did you ever wonder? These 369 were FOREIGNERS i.e Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chechans, Afghans, Arabs etc. These illegal immigrants were over-staying in pakistani mountains PASSPORT free! The people who...
  19. opinion786


    The USA indirectly wants the president out! With Musharraf out, ISI weakened and Army toppled .... their plans for Balkanization will be implemented faster. The crooks will run back to Dubai, Saudia, UK & USA. Even today the USA stated that theyll not interfere in Pakistan's domestic affairs...
  20. opinion786


    The day that President Musharraf goes then the following plan will be in its final stages .... Balkanization of PAkistan (the map available on internet) NWFP - annexed to Afghanistan with ANP in the lead role, in the interim the Americans favourite terrorist Baitullah Mehsud will continue...
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