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  1. opinion786


    First of all, the Ganja's sentence that was forgiven in 2000 by his President Rafiq Tarar, that allowed him & his family to run scot free away to Saudia .... should be withdrawn. Nawaz should be thrown back in jail and should serve his sentence verdict by Supreme Court in year 2000 (which also...
  2. opinion786


    Yes, the Supreme Court allowed him to run for elections because he was eligible, as per constitution, to run for elections and hold dual office. The verdict came in musharraf's favor. Constitution of Pakistan - Article 63 clause (1) paragraph (d), read with proviso to Article 41 clause (7)...
  3. opinion786

    The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto

    Bhutto should have uttered these words when he himself was serving under a dictator as his minister! Hypocrisy is an old habit of our politicians!
  4. opinion786


    Legally his election was correct! 1- Constitution of Pakistan - Article 63 clause (1) paragraph (d), read with proviso to Article 41 clause (7) paragraph (b), allows the President to hold dual office. 2- PML-Q government passed this constitutional amendment in National Assembly...
  5. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    When the USA is interested in pressurising Saudi Arabia in any way (especially to lower oil prices) .... they call for women's rights & freedom of media in Saudi Arabia. Indirect neck twisting. Saudia complies unwillingly. These PSYOPS operations/stories coming up in media world-wide are...
  6. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    This will be the 2nd episode in the line of rumors .... wait and read.
  7. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    These are typical conspiracy theories floated around by Jamaat Islami pro-Taliban thinkers. Musharraf issued orders to ISI? Any proof? Or just assumptions? Pakistan got paid for the foreigners that were handed over to US, for their support to WoT. The Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chechans, Afghans...
  8. opinion786


    All this political drama ..... a meeting b/w the two crooks.... after every one month..... hue & cry in media ..... impeachment theories.... are all efforts to divert the minds of the public from the Ata, electricity, inflation problems, economy deterioting, etc ..... With the crooks hoping...
  9. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    There should be little surprise over US implementation of PSYOPS through media against the ISI. Currently, the USA, India and Afghanistan are agitated and angry over the powerful & uncontrollable ISI. ISI is PAKISTAN's frontline defence and the intelligence tool of PAKISTAN army. To...
  10. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    I have sympathy for DR Afia as a human being. Now, what all fellow members are over-looking is the question 1- Was Dr Afia the ONLY person in custody of USA, in Afghanistan or Cuba? 2- There maybe several other muslims ..... why did USA take the liberty of producing Dr Afia from...
  11. opinion786

    Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

    Dr Afia is an American citizen. The USA has right over her. Pakistan has no right over her.
  12. opinion786

    Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf

    Yes, I have checked all our trading partners, and the assistence by WB and IMF, Japan, etc Their aid & assistence is average $1.5 billion annual. That makes it to $12 billion in 8 years. While our Economy boomed by $85 billion in these 8 years! Inflation adjusted. Even the Karachi Stock...
  13. opinion786

    Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf

    If you mean aid & assistence to sustain itself - than that is not the case. Pakistan's economy boomed by $85 billion in the last 8 years, from $75 billion to $160 billion and now touching $170 billion. The so-called aid & assistence has been around $10 billion, out of which 60% has...
  14. opinion786

    Saving Pakistan

    We ca't afford the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechans, Arabs, Afghans, etc .... all using our land and setting up safe havens in our mountains to launch attacks on NATO & US forces. The USA is already finding difficulty in handling the internal situation in Afghanistan. The attacks by foreigners from...
  15. opinion786

    Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf

    I wish the same for every traitor :sniper: But the SOLD OUT media raises hue & cry against our Armed Forces to sympathize with traitors. Look at how Shahid Masood is appeasing Musharraf now that he's been made the MD PTV. We all remember how anti-musharraf this appeaser was in 'meray...
  16. opinion786

    Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf

    Do you really think that the USA will allow any force of the world to fight & destabilize Israel ?? Do you remember the 1967 Arab War? Which was fought between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria also...
  17. opinion786

    Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf

    The question arises, can we fight a full fledge fight with the NATO and USA forces in Afganistan, when you also have Indian & Russian espionage missions there waiting to destabilize Pakistan? Also, when there is little trouble in few areas of NWFP & few areas of Balochistan? And, Baramdagh...
  18. opinion786

    2 consecutive days of Low intensity blasts in India

    Its always sad when innocent human lives are lost.
  19. opinion786

    NWFP may be lost, coalition leader warns

    Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help ISLAMABAD: Grandson of Nawab Akbar Bugti, Barahamdagh Bugti, has said that he would accept any help from India, Afghanistan and Iran to defend Balochistan. Talking to a foreign news agency from an unidentified place through telephone...
  20. opinion786

    NWFP may be lost, coalition leader warns

    Did Musharraf ask the Bughti family to destabilize Pakistan and seek Indian, Iranian or Afghan help against Pak? Did Musharraf ask India to establish FOUR consulates on NWFP boder? For what purpose? Did Musharraf ask Fazalulah to implement SHARIAT in Swat and slaughter anti-shariat public...
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