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  1. silverox

    At AirShow China 2022 unveiling of new VT4A1 Main Battle Tank with more protection and firepower

    In the face of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) blow tank has been completely out of date
  2. silverox

    Poland could acquire South Korean K239 Chunmoo rocket launcher systems

    Poland is a shameless imperialist countries, Poland once admit the puppet manchukuo regime.
  3. silverox

    How Cold War II Could Turn Into World War III

    Given the devastating nature of nuclear weapons, the absence of war among the nuclear powers should be included in the United Nations Declaration
  4. silverox

    New Anti-Pak/China Conspiracy being peddled by Indian Media

    Recommended that Pakistani military organizations punish Indian media Indian journalists lie before again, will be willing to consider the consequences
  5. silverox

    Chip war policy hurting US firms more than China

    I've heard that our country can make 5-nanometer chips in 2023
  6. silverox

    Revisiting 1962 war with China: When India's prestige was in a shambles

    Indians are very opportunistic. They will try their best to take advantage of any opportunity they find. To understand the national character of Indians, we can make the right policy.
  7. silverox

    You need to know what's going on for EVs in China and how crazy it is

  8. silverox

    USAF General Says ‘No Nation In Their Right Mind’ Would Want To Fight Beijing

    Remember, he is a dog tail, The U.S. government is the dog,but this dog tail wants to shake the dog, the master-slave position is wrong
  9. silverox

    Cannibal Army - Japanese Soldiers Abused & Ate Indian POWs

    Without the Himalayas and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we would have punished you filthy Indians
  10. silverox

    China should ‘worry’ about Taiwan 2027 timeline, J-20 is just ‘OK’ fighter and “isn’t anything to lose sleep over”: US PACAF chief

    Judging from the reaction of Chinese Internet remarks, the mainstream of the Chinese people believes that Russia is doing great things while cherishing its own life, and seeing small gains and forgetting its life. When war broke out, Russia made the mistake of not destroying Ukraine's will to...
  11. silverox

    China should ‘worry’ about Taiwan 2027 timeline, J-20 is just ‘OK’ fighter and “isn’t anything to lose sleep over”: US PACAF chief

    Taiwan, in terms of the current Ukrainian war template, is the illegal Donbass regime set up by the United States, only this time the empire behind it is the United States. Many Western media outlets now deliberately use the term invasion in an attempt to confuse Taiwan and Ukraine as having...
  12. silverox

    Can China and India coexist in South Asia?

    There is no need for our country to maintain a good relationship with a nation like India. The existence philosophy of this country is based on Hinduism. Hinduism is the most obscene, lewd, shameless religion I have ever seen Indians formed under the influence of this religion are inherently...
  13. silverox

    China has grudging but immense respect for India, says former Australian PM Kevin Rudd

    China's India experts' views on India are divided by generation. The older experts are influenced by the internationalist education when they were young, and they pay great attention to internationalist ideas such as friendship, mutual respect, solidarity, etc. Indoctrination can affect a...
  14. silverox

    Aksai Chin, controlled by China and claimed by India

    The more I get to know Indians, the more I want to beat them hard. This is the main communication route between Tibet and Xinjiang. It has always been Chinese territory. For India, it is completely useless wasteland.
  15. silverox

    Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'

    If our country really occupied the whole of Australia, it would be quite good. Australians are very cruel and enjoy to kill. According to media reports, Australians deliberately slaughtered local Muslims in Afghanistan and competed with each other to kill more people. I suggest that if Australia...
  16. silverox

    Zawahiri kill raises question — If assassination ends terrorism, why can’t others follow US?

    Indians do not have the strength of the United States, but they want to imitate the actions of the United States. Assassination cannot solve terrorism. If one person dies, more people will stand up and resist the tyranny in his mind.
  17. silverox

    Five missiles fired by China appear to have landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone: Japan defence minister

    China and Japan have no mutually agreed maritime demarcation, no documents signed, and Japan has no right to unilaterally demarcate exclusive economic zone
  18. silverox

    Showdown in August in Pacific

    I predict that China will launch a reunification war within a week, unify Taiwan, and severely punish Taiwan independence elements. I propose to eliminate the class of Taiwan independence thinkers. Including writers, scholars, politicians, to behead the snake
  19. silverox

    China Belt & Road spending dips in H1, with no investment in Russia

    This is a political project, not an economic project, in today's China, politics comes first, not economics
  20. silverox

    China Belt & Road spending dips in H1, with no investment in Russia

    Spending money and wasting money are different concepts. One Road and One Belt has failed completely, and that money has been wasted. The investment cannot be recovered at all. The money that should have improved the living standards of the poor in China and invested in technological development...
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