What I mean is the righteousness of Hamas is like that of Taliban thats why they will be victorious.
The jews will have no strategic reserves after this.
They wont make more bombs.
This is their last attempt to destroy islam.
After this mujahedines will go to the attack.
I told you the...
This is Taliban 2.0.
Allah swt is going to defend the mujahedines.
The kuffars will not understand and will go on with their conspiracy theories ..
But the truth is that Allah swt is defending the mujahedines.
Taliban are true mujahedines. But we are not there yet.
The gang of mujahedines who would not be hurt by those who betray them and would not be harmed by those who oppose them. and whom are fighting in jerusalem and its surrendings as the prophet saw stated in the hadith are clearly Hamas...
Hamas must prepare a strategy against chimical weapons,
When israel is about to be defeated by islam they will nuke many arab capitals Starting by Egypt,
But they will still be slaughetered by the mujahedines, its our prophecy against theirs.
I will tell you how Hamas ALONE will conquer the jews in the span of 3 to 4 years :
Using the Jewish and American weapons they will gain after the surprise attack on Echkelon and sedrout and the perimeter of gaza.
the Jews might have numbers but they will retreat they will run to the south...
The jews might as well mobilise millions of golyms like submessive hindus to fight for them since their ticktock army is not fit to fight.
Use chimical weapons into tunnels.
Call on Nato to fight for them.
Use nuclear bombs against Egypt and Lebanon n Syria n Iraq
But I think the...
I think the mujahedines are going to repeat the attack. This time they will destroy the 300 000 jew army outside Gaza .
Kill them all and then march to free palestine one town at the time
**** u. attaturks is a gay kaffir enemy of Allah swt . Its time to destroy this idol once n for all.
Im always sending this message to turkish muslims. U kuffars r not my consern.
Your false god attaturk is the reason entire generations of turks r burning in Jahannam right now. N he is not going to help them because he himself is burning in hell.
This message is to Wake up the turkish muslims.
But turkish kuffars such as u n the other guys are hopeless.
A beacon of faggotness like ur faggot false god attaturk has taugh u.
This is Turkish Kuffars twisted logic at its best.
Lgbtqshit for them is enlightment.
Feminism and open relation ships for them is freedom and modernisation.
Racism for them is nationalism.
Turkey deserves more jihad than...
U cant put them the US is too weak to do so. N so r the European fags.
We only need Egypt to open up an opening and muslims will masacre the Jews in one week max
European fags macron n shulz n that bitch from italy n that hindu nigger sunak what a joke. They can try to send their faggot armies to save the jews..
Time has changed. I swear if Egypt attack israel will cease to exist in a matter of one weak.
That is how close we are yet so far!
the blood of muslims in gaza is on Sisi. He can send a warning to the jews and they will stop cause they fear Egyptian army but Sisi choses to continue on being the enemy of Allah swt. Rahmatu Allah 3laika ya Mursi
Islam is spreading like wild fire.
Its gonna clean the world from zionism evangelicalism imperialism socialism liberalism secularism attaturkism hinduism buddism feminism lgbtqism ... All kinds of kuffr will be cleaned inchallah starting from Gaza. ALLAH promised