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  1. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Eventually the west will kneel to the wish of Turkey and Nato will realize that they would better have the ME as a battle place than have the battle inside of Europe, that is why Nato will Join Turkey in battling Russia/Assad
  2. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    what is Nato(Romans) Allie really this time with Turkey(Islam) against Russia/Assad, the Arab dictators will be forced to join Turkey in the fight bc they will be ordered by Trump , if not fight, they will cover the costs , wouldn't that match the Hadith, just thinking out loud
  3. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Akar says 309 Assadists neutralised Today might be the best day in the History of the Syrian war and might be the turning point for the war I won't be surprised if this is true, they would die for their false god Putin if he orders them to
  4. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    bad news, they are talking about a burn frigate
  5. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    soon the Arab dictators will fall and Iran too , that is when the only remaining power in the ummah will be in the Levant, and u will understand the plan of Allah swt , when the army of Islam settles in Ghouta and when we liberate QUDS . Allah swt promised victory to islam and I believe Allah...
  6. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    in the Arabic Twitter there are Hundreds thousands of Arabs that are supporting Turkey and Erdogan against Russia and assad, the PA and arab dictators are known for treason and supporting Assad their comrade dictator , they are not part of the ummah I don't know I translated it, it said UAV but...
  7. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Assadists are crying out and calling out to their false god Putin and the International community " ... but but Erdogan is backing AQ ISIS terrorism ... "
  8. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    how much can Putin save his assrats?!! as always Turkey defends Muslims, Allah swt will never forsake the Levant , victory of islam is near
  9. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Turkey should send SOMs from Hatay to Damascus over Assad's head , it has a 2500 KMs range
  10. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    I don't know what's wrong with some Turkish members here, I am in the side of Turkey , I am on the side of islam and on the side of the levant, this shows the division in this ummah, we can't even unite between ourselves, how can we unite against Russia @Trench Broom @Nein u guys are dead...
  11. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    any one is free to do as he likes, not trying to rule anything, but the Russians are the ones obsessed with conquest, so is the white man in general, they can't just sit back and relax into their Siberian cabs , they must go thousands of KMs away to bomb civilians and support a mad killer .
  12. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    So what then wait for the Nato ? why can't turkey have proxies like Iran or Saudi and Both are enemies of Islam, I mean Iranians bring even Shia Afghans and Pakistanis into the fight in Syria, while the Saudis bring Sudanis to fight in Yemen , Turkey should bring in FOREIGN fighters to Syria...
  13. islamrules2020

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    time to MOBILIZE , Turkey should summon up Muslims from all over the world to fight against the Russian Kuffars, that's how we will bring about the promised victory of islam against the power of Kuffr
  14. islamrules2020

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    it is clear that the Russians kuffars are trying to convince turks to blame Erdogan for the martyrdom of the turkish soldiers !! Turks must unite under their leadership and muslims must unite against Russia/Assad the Russian Kuffars want the Turks to hide in Idlib and let the HTS do the...
  15. islamrules2020

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    opening the borders means an invasion of Europe, soon the Romans will be really pissed off and the right wing nationalism will go the war with the middle east
  16. islamrules2020

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    nice move soon ur iranian militias in Syria will perish for the evil doers that they r
  17. islamrules2020

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    while Iran is gathering every last shia from all over the world to fight muslims in Syria , Turkey should not Shy up from declaring Jihad and calling for muslims to join the fight against Russia
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