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  1. Martian2

    How do we make PDF better?

    I am glad to leave. I won't have to read posts by the likes of you again. Goodbye everyone. Martian2 signing off PDF.
  2. Martian2

    How do we make PDF better?

    I suggest you remove Deino as a moderator. He is terrible. I have been on PDF for 9 years. I have never been banned for "insulting other nationalities." I received three strikes for one post claiming that another member was an anti-China troll. PDF has a ridiculous moderator in Deino and I'm...
  3. Martian2

    China Ranks World #5 in USPTO Patents

    For 2017, China ranked world #5 in USPTO patents with 14,038 patents granted. The top ten list of countries with highest annual USPTO patents granted hasn't changed much in 10 years. There is no new upcoming "next China." TOTAL PATENTS IN USPTO (PATENT) | StatNano
  4. Martian2

    Revealed: The Details of China's Latest Hit-To-Kill Interceptor Test

    The standard is PROVE IT. China has proved it can hit a Mach 10 DF-21 ballistic missile. The US has shown it CANNOT hit a mock/simulated missile target pushed out the back of an airplane. China will have to prove at some point in the future that it can hit a MACH 25 DF-41 ICBM. That will be...
  5. Martian2

    China Xi'an UnilC Semi sells in-house DDR4 DRAM | AnandTech

    China has reached a milestone. Xi'an UnilC Semi is selling its own designs of DDR4 DRAM chips and modules. "DDR4 SDRAM is the abbreviation for 'double data rate fourth generation synchronous dynamic random-access memory,' the latest variant of memory in computing. DDR4 is able to achieve higher...
  6. Martian2

    Revealed: The Details of China's Latest Hit-To-Kill Interceptor Test

    China shot down a REAL DF-21 MRBM. US failed to shoot down a MOCK target missile. Objectively, I think any reasonable person would say China's current anti-ballistic missile technology is more impressive than the United States. China used a DN-3 GBI (ground based interceptor) to SUCCESSFULLY...
  7. Martian2

    Fearing Economic Competitor, US Launches Full-Scale Confrontation With China

    China's nominal GDP is about $14 trillion (due to currency appreciation) for 2018. China's exports are $2 trillion per year. The US accounts for 18% of Chinese exports. This means Chinese exports to the US represent 2.5% of Chinese GDP. If the US halted all Chinese exports to the United...
  8. Martian2

    China vs Vietnam: Exxon won't decide on Blue Whale until 2019 | The Diplomat

    Exxon is planning to drill 10 nautical miles outside of China's Nine Dash Line map. However, a natural gas field is large and gas will be siphoned away from China's side. Due to Chinese threats of economic retaliation against Exxon, the company has delayed an investment decision until 2019...
  9. Martian2

    China strengthening air defenses with eye on India | CNN

    China can crush India in four different ways 1. Drop a Chinese megaton-class thermonuclear warhead 100 miles above central India to create an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and knock out all Indian electronics. China's DF-5A ICBM has a five megaton warhead. China's DF-4 ICBM has a 3.3 megaton...
  10. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    Obama also demanded China stop island construction. Who cares what the US demands? Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China. President Trump is also making empty threats. Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going...
  11. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    No. They were made at Secretary of State Tillerson's confirmation hearing. As President (Monday January 23, 2017), Trump made his demand that China must stop island construction. Defense Secretary Mattis said (Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 3, 2017) the US will NOT ACCEPT Chinese...
  12. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    Can you read English? Secretary of State Tillerson said the United States would not allow China to continue building islands in the South China Sea. He also said the United States would not permit China access to those reclaimed islands. What happened to those vows by President Trump and...
  13. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    I have no idea what you are referring to. The United States has vehemently opposed China's reclamation and militarization of the South China Sea islands. The issue is: Why doesn't the US send its 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups to enforce its strenuous objections? Here is the timeline...
  14. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    Why do you keep trying to distort the words of Defense Secretary Mattis? He never said the US will NOT ACCEPT Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands "as a basis for claiming ownership," which are words that you chose to add on your own. Look at the quote from Mattis. It plainly...
  15. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    You can say whatever you want. I don't care. The crucial moment will be 2023. Can Vietnam offload a shipload of gas from the Blue Whale? What is China's response? The only way to find out is to wait and see.
  16. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    That's not what Defense Secretary Mattis said. The United States had explicitly said it would NOT ACCEPT Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands. China went ahead and did it anyway. Why did the US back down? I suggested the Chinese retaliation of erecting 500 DF-41 ICBMs (with a...
  17. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    In 2023, China will have 100 to 200 J-20 stealth fighters controlling the sky over the South China Sea. China has air superiority. The US naval ships will do nothing and only watch as Chinese marines take control of the Blue Whale. China pays the US compensation for the cost of building the...
  18. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    It won't produce any natural gas until 2023. Let's wait five years and see if China will allow any gas to leave the Blue Whale. We do not know if China will deploy its navy to prevent any transport ships to carry gas from the Blue Whale. This is the naval blockade strategy. China has more...
  19. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    The US is the leader of NATO (US, Canada, and Europe). China needs the thermonuclear warheads to deter Europe (UK and France) too.
  20. Martian2

    China strengthening air defenses with eye on India | CNN

    China is building up its military airpower in western China. We want to know: why now? I think China feels very comfortable over its control of the South China Sea. There are seven new militarized islands. China has laid a long undersea pipeline to begin extraction of South China Sea natural...
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