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  1. Narcissist

    Canadian teacher tells Muslim kids who skip LGBTQ Pride events, "You aren't Canadian" and "You don't belong here".

    The people leaking these need to start doxing the teachers. Lets see how long this behaviour continues with some doxing.
  2. Narcissist

    British empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years: How colonialism inspired fascism

    Who did this? Better to be on the offensive than ont he defensive to be honest.
  3. Narcissist

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Love that picture. Might print it and make a poster, or make it my new corporate logo haha. BTW, are you the doc?
  4. Narcissist

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Probably written by trolls from india itself. "They sure have good work ethics". Work ethics... as in multiple work ethic. LOL!! Here's a world record holder from Pakistan: https://en.dailypakistan.com.pk/10-Aug-2017/66-as-in-o-a-levels-pakistani-student-beats-world-record Regarding the...
  5. Narcissist

    What's wrong with Pakistan?

    He was one of the better ones in recent memory. Pakistani media was non-existent before him. Sanctions were lifted, and a period of time had economic growth that was amongst the top in Asia. The ultimate drawback was towards the end with the state of emergencies etc... but the changes are visible.
  6. Narcissist

    The Dow Jones just hit 34.000 for the first time ever

    I hope this kind of inequality grows world over.. especially in socialist places like Canada, weegie countries.
  7. Narcissist

    Featured Several killed as Modi's Bangladesh visit sparks violent protests

    I'm pretty happy with Modi. These days sikh farmers are starving and committing suicide.
  8. Narcissist

    Owner of Popular Afghan Restaurant in Canada Bamyan Kabob Racist attack on Pakistanis!

    The irony is when they're done bashing Pakistanis, those same farsibans insult Afghan Pashtuns very frequently. Also worth mentioning, we don't know if that guy was tajik or what. Yes there are unfortunately people like that. They hate Pakhtuns from their own country as well. These are...
  9. Narcissist

    That is a very nice display picture. Do you have a link to the full resolution image?

    That is a very nice display picture. Do you have a link to the full resolution image?
  10. Narcissist

    Sikh genocide remembrance day

  11. Narcissist

    4 indian soldiers died in an Ambush by Freedom Fighters in ioK.

    If you have a source to prove this, please share it with us. So far, every historical source in the world will disagree.
  12. Narcissist

    4 indian soldiers died in an Ambush by Freedom Fighters in ioK.

    Does anyone have any sources that can prove it was the Kashmiri tribes that did the work? There are detailed accounts of Pakhtun tribes having done the work, and there is of course evidence. Read this account, with details of how they treated the enemies, mistakes, and a part I found...
  13. Narcissist

    Whole face Burqa's can reduce the spread of Corona Virus

    This is actually a valid point - HOWEVER, it is also spread by men, so it will slow it down, but will not stop it.
  14. Narcissist


    You seen only concerned about these bantu women. We should worry about ourselves and improving our own lives. Forget these other people. The guy I quoted had a point. Black men seem very eager to marry outside their race. Go talk to them.
  15. Narcissist


    You can not possibly tell me what I just said is an unpopular opinion. It is not. https://www.thestar.com/life/2017/03/21/racism-and-matchmaking.html
  16. Narcissist


    Oh great... So there's hope for black skinned bundjabis hahahaha Bantu women are just ugly. It's that ape nose. Some orientals have it too.
  17. Narcissist

    Hey bud, you still alive? Some ugly girl has your WhatsApp now... email me your new number.

    Hey bud, you still alive? Some ugly girl has your WhatsApp now... email me your new number.
  18. Narcissist

    Hours After Birth, Girl Thrown Off 21-Storey Mumbai Building: Cops

    You know I have to ask, as the devil's advocate: Who cares? The fact is, the world has 7+ billion people. Let that sink in. 7 plus BILLION fucking people. Wtf different does 1 newborn make? Consider it a crude abortion.
  19. Narcissist

    Creation of Hazara Province

    Bad idea. Doesn't accomplish anything, very arbitrary, and just another excuse to have more people steal money from govt. There is no benefit, it is a waste of time and resources, and the government has a really bad grasp of priorities. Why aren't the other provinces split first? This one is...
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