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  1. K

    China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

    I guess China's challenge with India is same as India's challenge with Pakistan. 1 is significantly powerful than the other but you cannot prove your supremacy without going to an all-out war. But, an all-out war will be too damaging even if you are able to prevail as expected. Additionally...
  2. K

    China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

    https://theprint.in/defence/indian-army-reaches-dominating-heights-at-finger-4-facing-chinese-in-pangong-tso/494211/ There too much confusion on what's happening. But, if a respected publication like The Print is reporting this, it brings some clarity.
  3. K

    Featured Govt to clear $2 billion deal for Israeli-made AWACS amid stand-off with China

    https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-to-order-2-more-israeli-eyes-in-sky/articleshow/77774435.cms Looks like it is $1 billion for 2 AWACS.
  4. K

    Have Proof Pakistani F-16 Shot Down, Says Air Force; Refutes US Journal Report

  5. K

    China now posts 15 page statement on Dokhlam

    Indian media is reporting the statements made by your embassy. Post this, it has been your countrymen & your cheerleaders who have been celebrating this, naturally drawing feedback from the Indians on the same point. The point is that your government through your embassy felt the need to...
  6. K

    China now posts 15 page statement on Dokhlam

    Overall fact is that we are still there & your road is nowhere to be seen. We are not fighting you at this stage & so the number of soldiers present is anyways irrelevant. Till even a single soldier is present you cannot do any construction & that is the overall Indian aim. The fact that your...
  7. K

    Revenge of Amarnath Yatra Attack started

    With this logic how do you explain the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (2006 & 2008), Varanasi (2006), Doda (2006), etc.? Weren't all these aimed against civilian population of India? They may not be hurting civilians in Kashmir for the fear of loosing support but definitely they are not limited to...
  8. K

    Indian Navy Running Short of Money for Modernization Program to Counter China

    India central budget (not counting the state budget) is equal to russia+france+italy http://www.tradingeconomics.com/country-list/government-revenues?continent=g20
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    68th Republic Day Celebrations - 26th January 2017

    Happy republic day everyone!
  10. K

    Data from seized GPS set shows Uri attackers did travel from Pakistan - Indian source

    http://www.dawn.com/news/1301190/insufficient-evidence-delays-jadhav-dossier-aziz :what: :what:
  11. K

    China, Pakistan to deploy warships to safeguard Balochistan port

    I'm pretty sure, that is how you start creating a colony. First create business interests and then bring in your army to defend those interests. Later if for some reason the local government is not able to support the business may be you start helping them with governance too.
  12. K

    By killing Mansour, US killed Afghan peace process

    This is quite interesting! USA refuses to give Pakistan F16s till they take actions against Afghan taliban hiding there. Suddenly the head is found and killed. :coffee:
  13. K


    Clearly shows the doublespeak that these idiots engage in just to keep their relevance in the current society.
  14. K

    10 years in making, Astra advanced air combat missile may be ready in 2016

    Why do you guys have this victim mentality? I myself have several Muslim friends from different parts of the country and no one lives in 'suppression'/'oppression'. Any kind of stories that are heard mostly have some kind of political motivation behind them. And one or two random instances do...
  15. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    Still sadly those claims are not right. I guess you have access to a calculator(although the calculations are not that hard) and could very well verify as the numbers are directly in front of you. Just because a great man said it doesn't mean that you have you have to accept it blindly. And if...
  16. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    From which of my posts did you infer that I feel that India cannot achieve double digit growth? Also, please get your facts right. Currently India has a nominal GDP of 2.1 trillion $ growing at 5.6 per cent (this when till now there was no clear focus on GDP growth, Congress till now followed...
  17. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    This time it is not Indians, but IMF and World Bank declaring that India's growth rates will surpass China next year. If you choose not to believe in their projections then I have no other argument to make. And there are clear indications. If you are a little bit interested in reading economic...
  18. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    Corruption is a major issue, but in my view corruption can't really hold back a country. The levels of corruption in India are comparable to China and corruption hasn't stopped them from growing. In my view more important factor which will determine the rate of growth of our country in near...
  19. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    Did you notice that the scenario being discussed here is not the next 5 years but the next 50 years. I agree that till the inefficiencies in our system are sorted out we would be able to manage around 6.5 % rate of growth. But, this is only till the reforms are not implemented. But, what limits...
  20. K

    China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

    Both India growing at a near double digit rate of growth and China slowing down are a distinct possibility(you can keep on adding a trillion dollars to your economy every year but growth wise you would still be falling and in long term its the growth rate that matters) as of now and this is...
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