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  1. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Nope i´m not celebrating Pakistans win in cricket -because there aren´t any. I am one of those people here that wrote that Pakistan did NOT deserve to be in the semi finals because of their performance.. You on contrary keep dragging Pakistans performance into the equation. And yes i too...
  2. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    It does not change the fact that Pakistan was crushed by the WI...
  3. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Stupid stupid stupid comments... WHY? Why is it that when someone criticize India the Indians always have an stupid urge to bring in Pakistan and compare India and Pakistans performance....
  4. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    No India did not play on that pitch that day, but WI did.... And they reached 108 in 13,4 overs....
  5. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    NOPE - you are forgetting the matches that got cancelled due to rain AND Pakistan didn´t made it to the semi finals because of the net RR
  6. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Yes i do but India didn´t loose a game where they only scored 105 runs....
  7. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    They got crashed by West Indies by only scoring 105 runs. And that net RR haunted Pakistan during rest of the tournament. Pakistan´s game against India was also stupid, as was their game against Afghanistan which Pakistan only won with margins... Other Teams crashed Afghanistan - and had...
  8. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    they ran ran and ran
  9. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Sry mate but seeing Pakistans performance Pakistan didn´t deserve to be in the semi final....
  10. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Ha ha ha ha Pakistan won nothing And so did India - they won nothing as well
  11. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    So what? India is still out.... India only lost one game - some people say they did it on purpose India came in first in the first round and so what sry to break it to you but that doesn´t matter now.....
  12. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    5 BALLS AND 19
  13. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

  14. B

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

  15. B

    Good: Pakistani Mangoes in Germany

    Pakistani Mangoes in Denmark are sold for DKK 50 equal to 6,75 euro (good quality). They are sold out from the shops the same day they arrive (once a week)
  16. B

    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    What i meant was so you agree with me about what i have written in this post (my post #232)
  17. B

    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    So you agree... :yahoo:
  18. B

    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    I know he wont move an inch. What i want is to discuss the rational consequences of those claims. I am not saying that tallguy is incorrect just that I don´t see the expected consequences...
  19. B

    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    Yep you have been consistent from day one :yes4: AND btw this sort of info you cannot find on the internet :no: There are some indication though that the Indians got slapped more than we know of because they have crawled back from the stone they came out of. For the Indians it was a golden...
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