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Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

@TheTallGuy claim are consistent since day one.

If we go by his claims, India cannot ask it's pilots back without accepting that it lost more aircrafts than they are willing to accept, Israel cannot ask it's pilot back without creating an international diplomatic rape of having it's pilots fly an active combat mission for another nation.

Geneva convention would be valid if either sides is willing to accept that there are other POW's :p

Now ... to me they do seem very far fetched, all i can say is that i hope his claims are right but for now i will go by proven facts i.e. 1 x Mig-21 and their chopper going down due to friendly fire

Read @Oscar 's response.
^One confirmed kill with pilot in hand
One suspected due to radar track.

The rest is just severe hyberbole and fantasia.

Certain Indians(like 2/3rd of the online population) will declare the sun the moon to support their narrative.

Ji Bilkul.....it is also important to note that 1x MiG21 kill confirmed and 1x M2Ki was also hit and reported by many in different forums/media ...even one audio clip claimed that kill was also confirmed by intl. sources on ground. but the suspected SU30MKI downing was more in discussion than M2Ki.

This argument is also supported by latest Air Chief declaration that "JF17 did well against M21 & M2Ki"

That is what intrigues me, his persistence and consistent story ...

Bro ...he is not just a car salesman ....thats for sure.
Stick with official line of 1 MiG-21 Bison confirm, Abhinandan captured (1 Pilot) and data based confirmation of MKI kill.

Speaking of sharing details with Russian counterparts; well the Russian MoFA was in Islamabad on the same day at evening.... He reached through Highly Prestigious channel directly and not from the outside. The rest of the world or concern parties are also in knowledge and that was a courtesy sharing.

And in the last, Pakistan is in far better position by not succumbing to high level pressure (hope that it will remain so as the bargain shouldn't be cheap or even on normal scale) but on other hand there is need to be prepared.
8 x kills (3 x Su-30MKI (2 x No.15 Sqn, 1 x No.221 Sqn), 2 x Mirage 2000i(No.1 Sqn detachment at Srinagar) 3 x MiG-21BISON (3 x No.51 Sqn)

4 pilots in custody 2 x Israelis 2 x Indians 1 x Indian Returned Alive.

initially claimed 6 x Targets hit (Later adjusted to 4) 1 x Div HQ, 1 x Brig HQ, 1 x Ammunition dump, 1 x Supply/logistics Center or another ammunition dump what are the remain 2 targets some say Green Pine or Sword Fish Radar at KG Top

we have 2 pilots that have more then 1 kill to there credit.

i have a huge list to smile about and things will open up

Yep you have been consistent from day one :yes4: AND btw this sort of info you cannot find on the internet :no:

There are some indication though that the Indians got slapped more than we know of because they have crawled back from the stone they came out of. For the Indians it was a golden opportunity to retaliate and show Pakistan "who is the big brother here...". But they didn´t and that tells something.

Lets for a moment go down that road with 8 kills Tall guy. And bare with me because i need to clarify some background before i go for what consequences this claim actually mean. It has fare reaching consequences - more than one may imagine.

Often people do not realize the background and psyche of military personnel. In the simplistic world (and one may say to simple or naive) the men and women in military train to fight, injure and kill the enemy / adversary. They know deep down that they can also be killed in that fight. And they are ready to do that for what ever cause they have - but they do it also knowing that the military will take care of them and their family if they get killed or prisoner of war. My understanding is that soldiers are absolute convinced that the state / military will move heaven and earth to get them back if they ever become POW or take care of their family if they get killed. What happens if they see that did not happen?? If the soldier observe that the state did not do everything it could to get your colleague back or did not take care of the family of the fallen soldier? Morale go diving to the bottom....

So coming back to the 8 kill. Even if this knowledge is not public the air force would know, the men and women in the Indian Air Force would know. And if the airmen know - not much time would go before every men and women in the the military wings (air force, army and navy) would know. People talk and they talk a lot. Information like the 8 kills cannot be hidden - maybe you will not talk about it in public, but you will certainly talk about it with your comrade, unit, fellow military personnel and so on... It will affect the morale in the military more negatively than one can imagine: You are observing the pilots did what they where asked to do - they went on a mission and defended their motherland. Some them came back, but regardless of the reason the crew of the 8 aircraft are either missing in action, POW or killed in action, AND THE STATE IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO GET THEM BACK!!! This break the trust between the state and the soldiers and right there the loyalty of your military personnel went down the drain... The crack in the ranks will start to be visible and come out in the open where personnel would want justice for their comrades.

And frankly speaking we haven´t seen any whistle blower...
Yep you have been consistent from day one :yes4: AND btw this sort of info you cannot find on the internet :no:

There are some indication though that the Indians got slapped more than we know of because they have crawled back from the stone they came out of. For the Indians it was a golden opportunity to retaliate and show Pakistan "who is the big brother here...". But they didn´t and that tells something.

Lets for a moment go down that road with 8 kills Tall guy. And bare with me because i need to clarify some background before i go for what consequences this claim actually mean. It has fare reaching consequences - more than one may imagine.

Often people do not realize the background and psyche of military personnel. In the simplistic world (and one may say to simple or naive) the men and women in military train to fight, injure and kill the enemy / adversary. They know deep down that they can also be killed in that fight. And they are ready to do that for what ever cause they have - but they do it also knowing that the military will take care of them and their family if they get killed or prisoner of war. My understanding is that soldiers are absolute convinced that the state / military will move heaven and earth to get them back if they ever become POW or take care of their family if they get killed. What happens if they see that did not happen?? If the soldier observe that the state did not do everything it could to get your colleague back or did not take care of the family of the fallen soldier? Morale go diving to the bottom....

So coming back to the 8 kill. Even if this knowledge is not public the air force would know, the men and women in the Indian Air Force would know. And if the airmen know - not much time would go before every men and women in the the military wings (air force, army and navy) would know. People talk and they talk a lot. Information like the 8 kills cannot be hidden - maybe you will not talk about it in public, but you will certainly talk about it with your comrade, unit, fellow military personnel and so on... It will affect the morale in the military more negatively than one can imagine: You are observing the pilots did what they where asked to do - they went on a mission and defended their motherland. Some them came back, but regardless of the reason the crew of the 8 aircraft are either missing in action, POW or killed in action, AND THE STATE IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO GET THEM BACK!!! This break the trust between the state and the soldiers and right there the loyalty of your military personnel went down the drain... The crack in the ranks will start to be visible and come out in the open where personnel would want justice for their comrades.

And frankly speaking we haven´t seen any whistle blower...

Whatever you say; @TheTallGuy is not going to move an inch from his initial claims. He has also made another enigmatic and inscrutable claim entitled as "Eyes to the North...... Tick Tok...Tick Tok.....Tick Tok.....". Let us see, what happens.
Whatever you say; @TheTallGuy is not going to move an inch from his initial claims. He has also made another enigmatic and inscrutable claim entitled as "Eyes to the North...... Tick Tok...Tick Tok.....Tick Tok.....". Let us see, what happens.

I know he wont move an inch. What i want is to discuss the rational consequences of those claims.

I am not saying that tallguy is incorrect just that I don´t see the expected consequences...
I know he wont move an inch. What i want is to discuss the rational consequences of those claims.

I am not saying that tallguy is incorrect just that I don´t see the expected consequences...

Sure. I believe that in his claims, he has adopted your "Signature Line": "Not even sky is the limit.":p::p::p:
Ji Bilkul.....it is also important to note that 1x MiG21 kill confirmed and 1x M2Ki was also hit and reported by many in different forums/media ...even one audio clip claimed that kill was also confirmed by intl. sources on ground. but the suspected SU30MKI downing was more in discussion than M2Ki.

This argument is also supported by latest Air Chief declaration that "JF17 did well against M21 & M2Ki"

Bro ...he is not just a car salesman ....thats for sure.
It takes 10 minute to cobble together a youtube video and a “Audio clip” just as Shahzaz ud din and the many fake clips from India.

The chief declaring that a jet did well means that its electronic countermeasures and support systems kept it safe out of the missiles engagement range... not that it shot them down.

I am with you on that but what stopped India from launching retaliatory full scale attack?

Think for a second how horrible it looked on TV screens we beating up not a pilot but the entire Indian nation and dragging them through the mud and humiliation.

What stopped Indians from letting their so called superior airforce loose on us?

Why did they settle for the release of their pilot as a great victory?
Quite simply because things were escalating in the back.
India isnt some perfectly oiled machine(neither are we). When the IAF fell and retreated on the 27th their leadership was panicked and considered launching Brahmos at our airbases and logistics centers. When they pulled those out we pulled out our SSMs and it was heading towards a near nuclear exchange before the frantic efforts of our friends and allies along with sane elements in India brought Modi ji back to terra firma.
Their immediate demand was to have Abhinandan back and frankly we had no use for him.
This all happened in a 36 hour timeframe after which things settled down.

As hinted here, the IAF(and Indian leadership) kept itching for some comeback well into April but we already had them by their earlobes so most of their attempts were pre-empted and they would give up sheepishly.

The amount of loading/unloading of weapons on/off strike jets at a certain base was comical and echoed their disarray in 65.
Often people do not realize the background and psyche of military personnel. In the simplistic world (and one may say to simple or naive) the men and women in military train to fight, injure and kill the enemy / adversary. They know deep down that they can also be killed in that fight. And they are ready to do that for what ever cause they have - but they do it also knowing that the military will take care of them and their family if they get killed or prisoner of war. My understanding is that soldiers are absolute convinced that the state / military will move heaven and earth to get them back if they ever become POW or take care of their family if they get killed. What happens if they see that did not happen?? If the soldier observe that the state did not do everything it could to get your colleague back or did not take care of the family of the fallen soldier? Morale go diving to the bottom....

So coming back to the 8 kill. Even if this knowledge is not public the air force would know, the men and women in the Indian Air Force would know. And if the airmen know - not much time would go before every men and women in the the military wings (air force, army and navy) would know. People talk and they talk a lot. Information like the 8 kills cannot be hidden - maybe you will not talk about it in public, but you will certainly talk about it with your comrade, unit, fellow military personnel and so on... It will affect the morale in the military more negatively than one can imagine: You are observing the pilots did what they where asked to do - they went on a mission and defended their motherland. Some them came back, but regardless of the reason the crew of the 8 aircraft are either missing in action, POW or killed in action, AND THE STATE IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO GET THEM BACK!!! This break the trust between the state and the soldiers and right there the loyalty of your military personnel went down the drain... The crack in the ranks will start to be visible and come out in the open where personnel would want justice for their comrades.


if we go by his claims, India cannot ask it's pilots back without accepting that it lost more aircrafts than they are willing to accept, Israel cannot ask it's pilot back without creating an international diplomatic rape of having it's pilots fly an active combat mission for another nation.

Geneva convention would be valid if either sides is willing to accept that there are other POW's :p

Now you understand the predicament they are in!
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Now you understand the predicament they are in!

the most difficult part of this story is "the disappeared wreckage of those ACs" keeping in view the presence of so many smart phones carrying people nearby and no one got the chance to take camera shot.... even single photo? very bleak possibility.
the most difficult part of this story is "the disappeared wreckage of those ACs" keeping in view the presence of so many smart phones carrying people nearby and no one got the chance to take camera shot.... even single photo? very bleak possibility.

it can easily argued that the targets that were damaged in airstrike have yo seen any pictures of it from IHK..non what so ever...if air strike damage pictures have not leaked do you think wreckage pictures could leak...indians has 2 division searching and collecting 80-100km area for 3 days --IHK was cut off - no mobile service - no internet service...for 3 days...with 6 to 1 soldier to civilian ratio ...

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