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    Fawad Chaudhry wants to end debit, credit cards in Pakistan

    Again a very good initiative from Fawad. I have no need for at wallet anymore in Denmark. Every thing is done by either card or mobile pay. And taking this to the level where you pay with your mobile pay is very good because the spin off effect are very good for the economy.
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Just came back from 16 hours shift from hospital and wow what a discussion. First of all as a student of the Quran and with a scientific education i never approach a subject with my own agenda. Approaching a subject with your own agenda only means you are biased and then getting to the correct...
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    PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

    Is there any possibility that Pakistan could take arial photos for example by satellite to track down wreckage of the downed plane(s)? Just a thought - this way you have proof and no need to give out sensitive information. I know then there comes the questions about the images being...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Brother Ghazi and Simurgh I have one question for you (and its not to be sarcastic): Have you guys ever traveled by car? You probably get my point. Lets have a discussion from this question. you are missing the point. We do not have consensus regardless of the issue at our hand. And we...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Please look up the word sunnah in the Quran And where did it brought us?
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Interesting Ghazi bhai Please do not take my post as an offence. You have called me brother, and taking my own age ill probably be your elder one. I am trying to have a discussion where we all get more knowledgeable after than before the discussion. I think the problem is that we have never...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Ghazi bahi You can´t use the argument that because of the majority have a certain opinion it is therefor correct.. Even the alim´s do not agree on the subject of Hadith. Ask them which hadith? The ones of sunni or the ones of shia. Sunni have 6 different books of hadith from 6 different...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Bhai jee - yahi to mushkil hai. Ghalat kyial majority mein hi to mar daltein hein About Hadith please look at the Quraan: [Quran 39:23] God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH (narrations, sayings, words, speech, opinions, statement, utterance, discourse, account, tale.....); a book that is...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    I have - But i don´t know if you have before you tell me. So now let me spell some thing out for you: The moon has an orbit around the earth. And the earth has an orbit around the sun. Just as other planets have around the sun. These orbits are well defined and the course of the planets happens...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Again what is the Islamic way? You did not answer the question. You used the "we do as we always have been doing " card.... Without writing what exactly have we been doing.... Sighting the moon a day before? Are there other Islamic states that print calender´s before hand without sighting the...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    And the islamic way is....??? Waiting to see if you can sight the moon a day before....? - so you can by no way figure out by science on what day the new moon will be? If this is your knowledge about the orbit of the planets in our solar system then i rest my case....
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    Another Checkpost attacked by terrorists

    Please moderate your language about Pakistans PM....
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Now see this is a very interesting topic. I my self see my self as a science guy AND i believe in Allah... And how is this possible since science teach us only to believe in things we can see, touch, hear or measure by instruments that acts as our extended senses... There is no scientific proof...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Sorry to disagree bro... Off course you can. Calender done on scientific observation hold its ground. The same way you can argue: what if there are clouds for several days - then you can´t have eid??? ITS NOT MANDATORY to sight the moon for establishing a new month - or for that sake eid...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    No problem of inviting for prayer by recordings.... Are you aware that when the chickens in Denmark are slaughtered/ zibaa then the taqbeer is played - and this method has been accepted by the imaams... The need for imam is for a different thing: A role model for one to live by... And i can...
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    Fawad Chaudhry launches 'Pakistan's first official' moonsighting website

    Its not Fazool of anything. Some times we don´t realize the importance of theese things. If the so called ulema was sensible enough to make sure that they could agree on relatively simple matters like when we should have Eid they could still have a saying on the issue. BUT when you can´t agree...
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    PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

    Heey Tallguy You have been very persistent and consistent in your posts about 8 kills by PAF. Hats of for that -BUT i think i asked you earlier about where the wreckage's are.... Because Indian establishment maybe able to hide one but to hide SEVEN wreckage´s....??? Where are they....?? You...
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    IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan’s squadron gets ‘Falcon Slayer’ patches

    Lying is not Deception is There is a big difference between the two
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    Psychological Damage: Why IAF is standing hands up!

    Hey Tall gay I follow your post - it makes totally sense that many AMRAAM´s where fired. But where did the wreckage go?
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