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  1. H

    Anti-Islamist blogger killed in Bangladesh violence

    No offence, but I find even Pakistanis to be overall more pleasant folks than you Bangladeshis, and that should say a lot of how my views of Bangladeshis have gone down since joining the forum. The last country on Earth we would want to have Akhand Bharat with would be Bangladesh (Id rather take...
  2. H

    India's growth depends on progress of Muslims and other minorities

    You are wrong. India doesnt have any laws defining who belongs to what religion. You could be an Indian that reads the Bible, but claims he is a Sikh, and that would be valid as per Indian laws (since there are no laws pertaining to religion). Its called Freedom of Religion, something that is...
  3. H

    India's growth depends on progress of Muslims and other minorities

    Sadly, Indian Muslims are the only ones lagging behind because they dont get into proper schools and education. All other Indian minorities like Christians, Sikhs, Jews, Parsis, etc are probably better off than Hindus.
  4. H

    Bhutan keen to export hydro-electricity to Bangladesh

    I dont know why you Bangladeshis are having a 8 page discussion on an issue which is fairly straightforward. In order for India to give you Bhutan's electricity, we need transit through your country to NE. If you guys dont feel thats a fair deal, just say "No" and get on with it. No need to...
  5. H

    Bhutan keen to export hydro-electricity to Bangladesh

    A country that does not give us transit to NE India expects us to give them transit. Just like Bangladesh watches out for their interests we will watch out or ours.
  6. H

    Lal Masjid cleric’s interview in burqa still a mystery

    Hindu Nationalists like RSS, Bajrang Dal are in India, and have nothing to do with Pakistan. The current war you Pakistanis are fighting has nothing to do with Hindu Nationalists. There are barely any Hindus left in Pakistan, much less Hindu Nationalists. You are free to decide 1947 partition...
  7. H

    Bangladesh bans cartoons to halt Hindi invasion

    Their country, their rules. I am kinda glad they did this though, I was talking to a law enforcement guy in Delhi and he was telling me how one of the reasons it is hard to catch illegal BDeshis in cities like Delhi and Mumbai is because many of them speak Hindi these days. So you can see...
  8. H

    Economist: Huge anti-war criminas protest in Dhaka

    Lying through your teeth? The Bangladeshi member Hammer-Fist is always saying that number, not a single Hindu says that number. We Indians/Hindus dont care whether you give 0% or 100% to Jamaat or taliban or whatever new part you vote for.
  9. H

    Economist: Huge anti-war criminas protest in Dhaka

    I think what sticks out about 1971 the most is that no one was punished, which makes it humiliating for any Bangladeshis that might have suffered during the war. If you look at the Holocaust for comparison, all high ranking Nazis (and many even Junior Level Officers) were convicted and punished...
  10. H

    Mind Your Own Business: Pakistan to India

    Rich coming from Pakiland of all countries. Things Pakistan has cried about: - India relations with Afghanistan - India/Saudi, or India/Arab World - India/Israel - Indo-US nuclear deals - India-Iran ties Why dont you tell yourselves to "Fook Off" as you mentioned in these cases?
  11. H

    Mind Your Own Business: Pakistan to India

    And India has a say on Lahore, you can deny it all you want in your dreams if it makes you happy. And like your foreign office, we tell you to Mind your own business :P
  12. H

    Pak Troops Violate Ceasefire in J&K's Poonch Sector (today)

    We should fire back. For every 1 troop they kill, we should kill 2. Then maybe they would understand.
  13. H

    Indian President Pranab Mukherjee to visit Bangladesh next month

    Of course not. How much land were given to us by Pak/Bangladesh when you guys kicked out or killed all your Hindus, from the very lands that Hindus were once a majority in? Bangladesh Hindu population went from 28% in 1941, to barely 7% today, which means a huge majority of Bangladeshi Hindus...
  14. H

    Indian President Pranab Mukherjee to visit Bangladesh next month

    Never made sense to me why 2 nation theory (or 3 nation I guess now) was not done to its logical end. We have many more Muslims in India too that ahave allegiance to other nations. We will trade you our Muslims for your Hindus and complete the legacy of 1947. Sounds like a perfect win-win...
  15. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    And I 100% stand by it, deserved a fitting reply by some Bangladeshis that live in another planet. I am sure you saw what kind of post I was replying to by asad71. I might be a new member here, but I was lurking this forum for a while before joining and am getting sick of tired of the obsession...
  16. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    Don't make me laugh go ask any xtian or Sikh if he wants to live in that terrorist hole called pak, or even much worse Bangladesh. There are many in this very forum. Go ask ask em. Its amazing how you PDF bangladeshis and Pakistanis most live in a separate world from reality.
  17. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    There is no Hindus left in pak. If we were like Pakistanis muslims we would killnall Indian Muslims too like you did to pak Hindus. But you guys are lucky because Hinduism actually believes in peace band coexistence unlike Muslims. Even today we control Kashmir If we were like pak musls, we...
  18. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    No it is the other way. Look at facts, not a made up version of your history. One simply has to look at Hindu population of pak and compare it to Muslim population of India to see who slaughtered who Again look at the real world facts to know the truth.
  19. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    Facts are facts, you can't deny them. Me going away is not going to change them.
  20. H

    Jamati name calling and what to do about it

    RSS is one of the most patriotic organizations in India. So don't talk **** about things you have no idea about. What happened to Sikhs and Christians was the saddest thing in Indian history since it was the hindus that attacked first, though most of that was a purely political fight and had...
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