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  1. smooth manifold

    North Korea threatens military escalation if Trump fails to make a deal.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/north-koreas-notice-clock-is-ticking-on-demands-for-new-us-proposals-on-nuclear-talks/2019/11/13/4eb0762c-061c-11ea-9118-25d6bd37dfb1_story.html Kim Jung un riding horse SEOUL — North Korea has a message for President Trump and the United...
  2. smooth manifold

    China Says Its Mars Landing Technology Is Ready for 2020

    Anyway, the manned space station is still the top priority and is of far greater importance than any other projects. 2022~2024 is a plausible due date for a baseline version of CSS.
  3. smooth manifold

    China Says Its Mars Landing Technology Is Ready for 2020

    Orbiting, landing and roving on Mars in one attempt is extremely risky. Long march 5's follow-up missions are all super crucial. 1. Dec 2020 Next generation communication Satellite SJ-20 2. July/August 2020 Mars One orbiter/lander/rover 3. Q4 2020 Chang'E 5 moon sample...
  4. smooth manifold

    Counting the cost? India is opting out of RCEP.

    https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/05/economy/rcep-trade-deal-india-scli/index.html New Delhi (CNN Business)India is ducking out of one of the world's largest free trade agreements, saying it wants to protect its farmers and local businesses. That decision risks hurting the country's already...
  5. smooth manifold

    Trump:Call me maybe

    I want to know what prompts Trump to buy Greenland. That's a nice one. I won't take his tweets seriously anymore after his buying Greenland farce.
  6. smooth manifold

    US-China Trade War Is Good News for Some Countries

    you live in your own imaginary world. why not Vietnam cuts ties with China immediately and stops importing everything? let's see what's gonna happen? let's see if your fake friends would help you out. wait a minute, you better not forget your closest buddy Cambodia. tell me about how you can...
  7. smooth manifold

    US-China Trade War Is Good News for Some Countries

    I'm sure Vietnamese are as smart as anyone else. But your data seems irrelevant. Top performers in math? Do assembly line workers need to know how to solve equations? modern factories are standardized. products are churned out on assembly line at a fast pace. assembly line workers have little to...
  8. smooth manifold

    US-China Trade War Is Good News for Some Countries

    dude, are you serious or just being goofy? whether it's outdated or not, let's put it on the back burner. Vietnam got only 6 kilos if my memory serves me well. Question: Why would China use Russian kilos to hunt Vietnamese Russian kilos? That doesn't even make sense. Shouldn't China take various...
  9. smooth manifold

    Trump:Call me maybe

    “中国来电”引发的困惑暴露中美尖锐分歧 Call Me Maybe? Conflicting Views Show Gap Between U.S. and China WASHINGTON — The trade conflict between the United States and China has become so caustic that the two countries cannot even agree if they are talking. 华盛顿——美中两国之间的贸易冲突已变得如此尖锐,以至于两国甚至无法就它们是否在谈判达成一致。 President...
  10. smooth manifold

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    It's really questionable FC31 will be on carriers. The debate isn't over.
  11. smooth manifold

    Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

    Am I the only one who can't see any target hitting scene in this video?
  12. smooth manifold

    China to resume tariffs on U.S. vehicles and auto parts

    Trump: I'm the chosen one to take on China! Xi:Yes, you're!:usflag:
  13. smooth manifold

    Breaking news! Vietnamese insist Russia would nuke China for Vietnam

    Would we need to talk about it openly. that's why I start this candid thread. It's a friendly and peaceful thread.
  14. smooth manifold

    Breaking news! Vietnamese insist Russia would nuke China for Vietnam

    I think you're referring to the wrong country. We're talking about if Russia would nuke China for Vietnam not USSR. Everything has changed. I hope I made myself clear.
  15. smooth manifold

    Breaking news! Vietnamese insist Russia would nuke China for Vietnam

    Vietnamese insist Russians would nuke China for Vietnam. @Viet @Viva_Viet Well, any Russians here? Why not have an open, candid and decent debate? :welcome:
  16. smooth manifold

    China and Vietnam in stand-off over Chinese survey ship mission to disputed reef in South China Sea

    lol wait let me start a new thread:yahoo:"Vietmese insists Russians would nuke China for Vietnam"
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