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US-China Trade War Is Good News for Some Countries

Ask the World bank not me...

Typical Viet style big talk...lol...

China keep thousands of fighter planes and hundreds of warships in Mao's ara... Southern Vietnamese navy alone??? Come on, you have enough B.S here...

Check how many J-6 (mig19) and J-5 (mig 17) we have built:
That is 4500+ and 1800+
Majority were served in PLA air force through the 70s...
Not to mention thousands of J7(mig 21) and Q-5, H-6 etc. etc.

About ships you also have no match... We have destroyers, frigates, subs, and nuclear subs...
View attachment 576757

Next time, when you want to brag, at least give some support... Otherwise, you make yourself a joke here again and again...
What lol?

The republican navy had 1,400 ships.


Ok I know you will say we make only 1% of China. VN/CN trades were $150 billion plus last year. That means you are something $15,000 billion worth or $15 trillion. Congrats!

They have 70 submarines or so. But they can’t field all against us. Chinese are surrounded by enemies. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, the US. Russia will not support China in any war of aggression. I see a bit more relax than you. Besides we can increase the number of submarines in no time if necessary.

Back in the years of 1970s southern Vietnamese navy alone had more warships and aircraft than China and many countries in the region combined.
you live in your own imaginary world. why not Vietnam cuts ties with China immediately and stops importing everything? let's see what's gonna happen? let's see if your fake friends would help you out. wait a minute, you better not forget your closest buddy Cambodia. tell me about how you can increase your subs in no time. buy from Russia or US or France? how long did it take for you to get your 6 kilos? back in the 1970s, wasn't Vietnam in proxy war?

What lol?

The republican navy had 1,400 ships.


1400 fishing boats
Why does that Viet member thinks China needs to deploy all submarines to fight the 6 Vietnamese subs but can't because of countries such as US, Japan, South Korea, Australia? The world no. 2 strongest Navy only has to deploy a couple of subs, destroyers and corvette and the whole Vietnamese Navy is completely destroyed.
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That's all Vietnam Navy has? Whether 7 or 9 frigates which i found on this site

I mean that's it? Totally not impressed at all and that's supposed to be the naval force of Vietnam which is a force to be reckoned with according to Viet. This comparing with the world no.2 Navy is totally off scale, the difference in strength is like a fly being crushed by an elephant.
That's all Vietnam Navy has? Whether 7 or 9 frigates which i found on this site

I mean that's it? Totally not impressed at all and that's supposed to be the naval force of Vietnam which is a force to be reckoned with according to Viet. This comparing with the world no.2 Navy is totally off scale, the difference in strength is like a fly being crushed by an elephant.
Ok if so easy why not start the war tomorrow what are you waiting for? Pls take note we have domestic Kh35 antiship missiles that can be made in thousands. Just a bit more difficult than making Nike shoes. Can be fired by ships, by trucks.


„DiCostanzo said he found the quality of products from Vietnam has also been better than from China.“

Wow impossible!

Now Vietnam apparently can make products not only with better quality, but with just half of the costs.
Not a good news for China manufacturing jobs.

You compare your best assembled product with worst ones from China which is not apple to apple comparison, not to mention the components of your assembled becycle are coming from China too.
For someone who is forty plus and still reacting like a 16 year old boy. The other Vietnamese aren't that much better either. I fear they shall never reach adulthood in their current state.
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