Why it seems every project in Bangladesh cost many times more than its regional neighbours. From road to bridges , railway evrrything costs in billions usd.
Do you really believe on it? Nothing is imported in it?
So let me know whats the rate of dollar. Few weeks ago if i had 10000. So now i can buy how many dollars. Seems m getting richer by money devaluation. With out strong manufacturing base these are wortheles practices. Sorry to say even...
Do you really believe on it? Nothing is imported in it?
So let me know whats the rate of dollar. Few weeks ago if i had 10000. So now i can buy how many dollars. Seems m getting richer by money devaluation. With out strong manufacturing base these are wortheles practices. Sorry to say even...
You talked about Qmobile and i asked you what part of it is made in Pakistan.
Let me know if any of your mobile or pc or laptop is made in pakistan.
Till that by just devaluing our own money we are making alot of things expensive. Its way better to just add double or tripple tax on luxiours...
The point is some one got privileges to bypass blacklist and that privileged guy was accompanying with some one who claimed to finish corruption and nepotism, in private jet is act of biggest hypocracy. Though i didnt mention here that he got favour bec of that honest leader.