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  1. brainiac3397

    What are your DNA/genes?

    I took a 23AndMe test. Unsurprisingly, it says I'm pretty much Turkish(which they encompass as Turkey and the Caucasus region) but some Italian somehow got in there. That was interesting. I'd like to do a more in-depth one, just for fun, but those cost way more because of all the investigative...
  2. brainiac3397

    Çay Bahçesi

    I think the new logo has more pizzazz. The old one was a bit more plain(not that it's bad, but I think this one has more weight because of the stars included).
  3. brainiac3397

    Didn't like last avatar. Current one is straight to the point till I make a new one.

    Didn't like last avatar. Current one is straight to the point till I make a new one.
  4. brainiac3397

    Honour killing in Pak: Italian-Pakistani Sana Cheema was strangled

    Not to be pendantic, but is there more than one example to prove systematic issues because odds are, there isn't a country in the world without it's own "butcher" criminal seeing as the common denominator in all crime is a human being. There's still a difference between societies where it...
  5. brainiac3397

    Honour killing in Pak: Italian-Pakistani Sana Cheema was strangled

    Never understood this honor killing nonsense that involves killing your own family members. I mean, how absurd is that? "Protecting" the honor of your family by murdering your own family as part of the process? All that shows is that you have such little value for family that you're not above...
  6. brainiac3397

    Trump has all but decided to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal: sources

    The US dollar is a major reserve currency. That doesn't mean these economies need the US to do business. There are 8 different reserve currencies including the Euro, Yen, Sterling, and Renminbi. The US dollar is the highest due to US global trade, but if the US starts cutting itself off left and...
  7. brainiac3397

    Turkey says it will retaliate if US halts F-35 Fighter Jet sales

    I actually disagree with closing NATO bases. NATO isn't a part of the US political system(or European one for that matter) and has semi-independent functions separate from the political scheming of sovereign governments. As long as Turkey remains in NATO and remains a valuable member(which it...
  8. brainiac3397

    Trump has all but decided to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal: sources

    Economics are not a zero sum game. The US is the number 1 economy but it relies extensively products it imports from other countries. Targeting these countries would hurt the US more than those countries because while the US relies predominantly on them, these countries don't rely predominantly...
  9. brainiac3397

    Trump has all but decided to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal: sources

    I believe you meant to say he's dumb and cowardly, seeing as those are the main traits that are being taken advantage of. Have you heard the man speak? Does that sound like any sort of intelligent human being to you? And they will not need to "bow" to the US. Contray to media, Europe will...
  10. brainiac3397

    Trump has all but decided to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal: sources

    There's no indication Europe is going to obey the US(yet, it's obviously a bit early) and threatening to sanction all of Europe is going to hurt the US more than it will hurt Europe, especially if they maintain their relationships with China. Maybe the UK will join with Trump, but I don't think...
  11. brainiac3397

    Pentagon military officials say there is growing concern that Iran is on cusp of an attack on Israel

    "Any aggression against Israel will be met with a severe response" Typical. First they launch their attacks and then when a response is prepared, it's "aggression" and not a reaction to their pre-emptive strikes.
  12. brainiac3397

    Trump has all but decided to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal: sources

    If nobody else joins in, which I doubt they will, this is just going to be dumb sanctions with very little effect. Iran will just turn to Europe and the US will get to play footsie with Israel.
  13. brainiac3397

    No matter what Trump says on Iran, China will probably ignore him

    It's going to be a useless gesture and I bet Netanyahu will jump ship before the repercussions kick in. It's the usual method of leaving the mess in America's hand after pushing to create the mess himself.
  14. brainiac3397

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    The only reason SDF exists as a coalition is because of the USA. Why wouldn't you join if it meant getting free American weapons and money? It's not like the YPG is an attractive choice to the locals seeing as they're pretty much a seperatist organization that has a strong preference for Kurds...
  15. brainiac3397

    Russian Ka-52 Helicopter Crashes In Syria, Killing Two Pilots

    Looks like ISIS remants in the area are trying to claim they shot it down with MANPADs.
  16. brainiac3397

    Time to Retire the False Palestinian Narrative

    Bah, the American Thinker is a load of crap. They're like a propaganda blog that thinks they're an intelligent outlet. Just a bunch of hardcore Zionists, lying Neocons, and silly fascists rolled up into a single terrible website that takes itself way too seriously.
  17. brainiac3397

    Turkey says it will retaliate if US halts F-35 Fighter Jet sales

    Turkey will still get its F-35s, even if a few American politicians try to throw a hissy fit over it. I'm sure whatever agreement was signed ensures that the US can't just willy-nilly back out and screw Turkey out of the promised access to a system it made contributions to(and continues to...
  18. brainiac3397

    Pakistani computer scientist Dr Umar Saif appointed UNESCO chair for ICTD

    The worst feeling when you're just about to be happy for someone and then you get news they might not actually be that great.
  19. brainiac3397

    Pakistan is Providing The Most High Tech Footballs for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

    I wonder how much one of these balls cost, I think I'd like to give one a try.
  20. brainiac3397

    Donald Trump will announce decision on Iran deal on Tuesday

    There's a 99% chance he'll say something very dumb and a 1% chance he'll say something somebody else told him to say. Or he may actually just not say anything useful since he seems to occassionally make such claims and then not actually follow through. Ultimately, I wouldn't be surprised if...
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