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  1. D

    South China Sea Forum

    And what about Philippine? Isn't it trying to grab the same resources as China? Does it make it more right for Philippine to grab it than China? If those islands were part of Philippine and China were simply annexing it then I don't think US would stay this quiet. The fact is those islands...
  2. D

    South China Sea Forum

    It is the most stupid post you ever heard because it is what you don't want to hear. but it is the truth how this world works. If you want example, then just look at what US had done in the last 20 years as the sole superpower which is no different than what the Mongols, the Romans, the British...
  3. D

    South China Sea Forum

    I suppose from the philipine's perspective it is an invasion, the question is what can you do about it? Sent in your navy or keep begging US aid and hope international pressure can make China back off. well those methods didn't work against US and Soviets during the cold war, not gonna work...
  4. D

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    Philipine forums? You guys still have electricity with all of the disaster? Should worry more about running water, sanitation, and food aid first before commenting online don't you think? BTW, you should stop assuming everyone here is from China. I am one of the taxpayer that is paying for the...
  5. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    lol, can't take the insult? Then don't start insulting others, sine now you just got degraded from a brat to a wuss who whines and moans at every little bitch slap you receive. My maturity is shown through the way I deal with others. So if I am debating with an insufferable brat like you, then I...
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    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    You know, I just looked up amount of donation Philippine gave to China for the 2008 Earthquake which 50K people perished. Guess what, Philippine only sent medical teams and this was before the two country started the whole spartty island affair. So in appears China already did more than what...
  7. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    And one liner insults sure adds more credibility to your rebuttal, your just a class act. as they say, calculus is still true no matter how many time you repeat it and so is logic in an argument. So if you can't argue based on facts then don't try at all, or you will just expose yourself as an...
  8. D

    South China Sea Forum

    Off course, why should China obey the ITCLOS when US doesn't care either. You only proves my point that China is just doing the same thing as what the US has been doing i.e ignoring world order due to might. Therefore, can't blame China alone for world unrest since US is even more guilty of that...
  9. D

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    Well, US was able to sale to the world about Iraq has weapon of mass destruction and that it was there to free people from tyranny. No one in the world believed it, not even the UN, but US went in anyway. So really, the world believing someone is rather unimportant, the only question is can it...
  10. D

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    So how should we look at kindness then? Is donation mandatory now? Is there a need to really politicized the whole thing to such a degree? If you think donation is necessary then how much did you give to all those in need this Christmas? If you give less than your neighbor, should we make an...
  11. D

    South China Sea Forum

    Well, the US imperial has been at war since 2001, ignoring the UN. But that is ok, cause its the US.
  12. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    Are we really resorting to the kindergarten lvl of excuse making using the "he started it" argument? So if China started it, then why is US government targeting other countries and Americans in its cyber spying? I am giving you that line cause its true, that US is not morally above everyone...
  13. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    Which country pointed the finger at others for cyber espionage but turned out it was the biggest peeping tom of all time? Hypocrisy goes both ways, so don't pretend you feel offended because America is the one country that have no right to point the finger at others right now.
  14. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    As much as you admire the hypocrisy that is the US government, that goes way back to the declaration of independence when declaring "life, liberty, and pursue of happiness" while practicing slavery. Abe Lincoln once said," If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and...
  15. D

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    Well, I imagine as every other rising power in history, if not challenged then the rise would be rather peaceful I imagine. Just like how the US manifest destiny expansion would been peaceful if weren't for all of the native Americans in the way. So China's rise would been peaceful if Japan did...
  16. D

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    In addition, I feel that US and China were in bed together and made an agreement on the ADIZ already before this whole thing got started. Think about it, if you are Obama, would you risk another international incident by sending a US warplane into the new Chinese ADIZ if you have no idea what...
  17. D

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Interesting discussion, just want to add my 2 cents. It appears to me that China really has everything to gain and not much to loose here, the following being the reason: 1. China did not have a ADIZ before this while Japan, Taiwan, US and pretty much everyone else around it does. So really...
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