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  1. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    What make this impressive is how the pilot managed to score hit quite accurately without any guidance (I am aware that the Falcon's targeting computer may helped them).
  2. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The "komodo_armament_indonesia" is owned by Dananjaya Trihardjo (their president director)
  3. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    "Tanfoglio licensed production units in Indonesia to capture ASEAN and Oceania market" Admin of the Komodo Armament insta page have responded to these kind of statement: They are purely designed and made in Indonesia. In my opinion they did start as a subsidiary, but they do seem to have...
  4. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Yes it is an APC, but it has MRAP characteristics (V Hull body). With its 400 HP engine it's still possible to up armored it until it reach 20 ton weight with 20 hp/ton power to weight ratio. Current Turangga is about 8,8 ton, ±3 ton lighter than Anoa.
  5. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Treva 15 recovery vehicle made by Excalibur army
  6. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesian-made armor produced by armoguardlite is complied with NIJ level IV TNI vest by Armoguardlite can be fitted with NIJ lv IIIA and lv IV plates, with the collar protection of lv IIIA
  7. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    It's from defense-studies.blogspot.com, from that blog I don't see anything sourced from here
  8. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Harimau tank and SBS tank in Armored Warfare game Pindad Harimau Video: Pindad SBS Video:
  9. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I don't know... My friends think it was the Anak Krakatau eruption... I don't know how it sounded like since I'm on the other end of the island
  10. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I don't see any difference
  11. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    If you haven't noticed already
  12. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Development stopped, read below Also read this
  13. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ada yang hampir teknis, namanya manuskrip ilmu bedil, itu menjelaskan penggunaan istinggar Minangkabau. Tapi nampaknya manuskrip ini sekarang ada di Malaysia. I have none. Contemporary (dari zaman itu, bukan zaman sekarang) pictures of weapon and ships made by native people is rare. I have...
  14. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Not really. The decline of the use of cannon in Java is arguably happened after the expulsion of Majapahit remains, about 1527-1574. In 1513, Pati Unus' fleet sailed to attack Portuguese Malacca "with much artillery made in Java, for the Javanese are skilled in founding and casting, and in all...
  15. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Not rifle lol, but musket, rifle is a very different weapon, largely used after 1850s. The name "rifle" refers to spiral groove inside the barrel. Among the early reference to cannon and artillerymen in Java is from 1346 (even a passage about Battle of Bubat of 1357 mentions cannon), meanwhile...
  16. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Even though the Majapahit used it, they are not in considerable number. Tome Pires' 1515 account tells the army of Gusti Pati, viceroy of Batara Brawijaya, numbered 200,000 men, 2,000 of which are horsemen and 4,000 musketeers. Any pre-1900s history books mentioning Javanese army said that the...
  17. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Komodo armament laser engraving I don't know if Pindad also has laser engraver
  18. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Foreign hands helping the KKB is already known since their establishment. It is the thing that keep them alive and operating until the present. They give support, both materially and immaterially, to ensure those fighter not surrendering and assimilating to Indonesia.
  19. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I'm not sure either, but that's what they said
  20. Var Dracon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Aeroterrascan also made turbojet, but at 300 N it looks like to be used in drones, etc.
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