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  1. Arsalan Tauseef

    BLF Rejects Imran Khan's Offer for Dialogue

    Perhaps, Khan's propound for dialogue was intended for a reason. Since, confab was proposed, so called peacemakers won't object any sortie in Baluchistan if carried out by Pakistan. Military ops is inevitable. I guess few concentration camps will be needed to educate those who revolt.
  2. Arsalan Tauseef

    4 FC Balochistan Soldiers Martyred by BLA in IED Attack in Margat Area

    We should call establishment out for this. Heedless of the consequence of their inattentive behavior, they might soon find themselves surrounded by hatred,
  3. Arsalan Tauseef

    The Americans are pretending to be back in Balochistan

    World treats Baluchistan as a state within state. I wonder why have we not yet condemned their ambiguous statement?
  4. Arsalan Tauseef

    Pakistani parliament will decide the fate of French ambassador?

    Just effing arrest these pig-ignorant TLP's party members.
  5. Arsalan Tauseef

    Featured Time to bury the past and move forward: COAS Bajwa

    How Indians reacted to this was terrible. They mistake our peaceful gesture for weakness. :sad:
  6. Arsalan Tauseef

    Can Pakistan Follow Vietnam's Example to Become the Next Asian Tiger?

    Had only we usual rivals been in amity.
  7. Arsalan Tauseef

    The Possibility of New Provinces in Pakistan

    Partition based on ethnicity is a bad idea.
  8. Arsalan Tauseef

    After pigeons, India takes PIA balloon into custody in occupied Kashmir

    Comments on this tweet are way more hilarious.
  9. Arsalan Tauseef

    Action taken against army officers over Ehsanullah Ehsan's escape: DG ISPR

    Sorry but... 🙏 Please come out of Stockholm syndrome. We've suffered a lot by empathizing and sheltering them.
  10. Arsalan Tauseef

    Imran Khan Orders to Launch E-Voting System for Next Elections

    I don't get it. . . Why patwaris and critics are making fuss about something that at long last a step towards digitalization? We're still clung to ifs and buts while the world has thrown itself into making them perfect.
  11. Arsalan Tauseef

    Five rockets Fired from Afghanistan into Pakistan: ISPR

    Correction* Five rockets Fired from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Few causalities, & we traditionally watched all spectacle from a safe distance :-) : ISPR
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