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  1. T

    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    we are discussing 2 things here simultaneously 1. bigger version of AWE&C - indian AWACS a la phalcon 2. Aesa for tejas Mk2 while the 2nd is difficult not impossible both will happen in time bound manner no the norm for range is always 5m2 internationally but IAF uses the standar of...
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    dont be so cocky DRDO has completed the embrarer based AWE&C project and waiting for IAF to take the delivery of the air craft it is the IAF which is not ready to take delivery as it has not managed to get the crews trained !!!!!!! also the Radar on the embraer AWE&C plane is indian - home...
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    our own Aesa will come online by Mk2 tejas
  4. T

    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    the best combination will be Super Su30Mki + SuperSu34Mki + LCA LCA is bettter than JAguars and Mig27 and Mirage 2000 upgrade do you know that just a few pointers Jaguars/Mirage 2000 upgraded cant take off land from leh LCA has cleared Leh trials with full load Jaguars didnt have...
  5. T

    India, US working on choking support to Dawood Ibrahim's D-Company.

    india needs to simply shut Dawoods network in India ............ his funding will automatically dry up ................ LOL........ Modi was laughing at shindes remark "we are in talks with FBI to apprehend Dawood" now his own NSA is talking to US to pressurise Dawood Hahahaha
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    the issue still is why IAF needs rafale to replace Mig21 why cant they simply increase the nos of Su30MKi and LCA + why the cost of Rafale deal increased from 10 billion$ to more than 22 billion$ ? wrong the IAF has been too nitpicking the Tejas and if it really wanted them they could...
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    Bangladesh to benefit from India's advancement in Space

    but no specifics about cooperations about how and what will be the benefit to bangladesh also only one mention of the word nuclear science cooperation ? what how which area ?
  8. T

    China's next move: send enemy neighbors into internal political deadlock

    even if it happens how will they survive - it is economically linked to china because once you too were a kid .............. the kids will tumble rumble and grow up one day ................. till then bear with the kids
  9. T

    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    + it seems that IAF has been desperately pushing for Rafale and the New Govt is strongly resisting the pressure and has not yet given in seems Rafale is in trouble guys see & read the desperation and also the govt not giving in, in the words "After all Indian Air Force is India's air...
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    3 things to note s Import lobby at play trying to pressurise the new govt to sign the dotted line on MMRCA FOr the 1st time IAF chief mentioned we Need LCA TEJAS The new govt is reviewing every project and fixing accountabilioty for everything - no free run to import lobby and foreign toy...
  11. T

    Which Chinese fighter that PAF wanna get at the most?

    yes your feelings are very nice but if so why dont you replace the railway engines which pakistan bought from china and which failed in 6 months
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    China's next move: send enemy neighbors into internal political deadlock

    ford foundation tried that with India and then we had the storngest govt in 30 years history China try that lets see what comes out of it
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    LCA Navy's second fighter ready to take off

    NP2 already undergoing gound tests firs tflight in 20 days SBTF take off landing trilas in nov dec 2014
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    Pak rakes up Siachen ,demands plebiscite on Kashmir

    lets do it fast ask NS to recall your ambassador - Shit Basit from india and send the indian one back do it today
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    Which Chinese fighter that PAF wanna get at the most?

    Free mein kaunsa milega it will narrow the choice
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    Pakistan and Japan can become business partners

    india is a different ball game China wooes india so that we may not go in Japan US fold Japan wooes us so that we may not get investment from china in Pakistan case China can anytime veto and make PAk govt stop Japanese investment proposals
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    Pakistan and Japan can become business partners

    yes Japan and pakistan can have good relations Provided pakistan gets out of china grip otherwise you know China & Japan both investing in pakistan difficult
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    Comparing Indian and Pakistani Economies in 2014

    such topics invite unlimited trollings why are such articles posted when there is no sense in comparing indian and pakistani economy ? they are not comparable anyways we indian dont want to compare ourselves to some country which is way behind us we want to comapre and benchmark ourselve...
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    LCA Navy's second fighter ready to take off

    these will be the test beds and a feelers for IN test pilots
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    LCA Navy's second fighter ready to take off

    it is not that how much navy will order ................. lots navy is i think looking at a full fledged Aviation wing with NLCA NAMCA etc they are having almost 16 coastal bases with airstrips / airbases - besides the carrier these will be based there
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