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  1. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Tabatabais candy is not the sweet kind children would prefer and it seems he died 33 years ago. About the prejudices I think you answered your own question.
  2. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Sorry for the late response, I have been busy rioting all weeek. You make a good point here and I have to agree. It seems that the problem from an israeli perspective then is that whenever it acts proactively with the intention to improve relations with arabs, it risks a probable blowback. In...
  3. Etiene

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Did anyone happen to see Eurovision song contest a few days ago? What did you think of Azerbaijans song. Personally I think it lacked everything to become #2 this year and the fact that it won two years ago, a song that also lacked everything to become #1 arouse my suspiscion that Azerbaijan...
  4. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Its a good question but hard for me to say as a non arab living in Europe. If we look at Egypt during the Mubarak era relations with Israel were tolerable at least, if you see it from an israeli perspective. Naturally the revolution worried Israel in terms of security , and america which...
  5. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    @Solomon2 I agree that there are historic components in arabs relation to the jews and vice versa of course. But that its a simplification to argue that they are the only factor through which we can use to describe the relation today. Yes western leaders did but I wouldnt argue that this...
  6. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Israels Benjamin Netanyahu have called for bringing down Saddams regime in americas congress. American policy in Iraq led to instability in the country in addition to the deaths of many civilians caused by sanctions and war. I'm suggesting this affects arab attitudes to Israel negatively.
  7. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    I take this as you saying that one of the basic issues is palestinian attitudes towards jews. The explanation for this attitude is that it comes from a hatred of non muslims rooted in Islam. Suppose that this hate you mention would disappear and did not affect the relation any more. In that...
  8. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    You are an angry person!
  9. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    I was referring to a regional context. But domestically as you focus on obviously a significant portion of arabs disagree with what you describe or they dont put a lot of weight to it. Can it not be that the core issue is something else then and not how Israel is domestically treating its arabs?
  10. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    It seems they peacefully coexist in the case of Kosovo. In the case of the middle east there are many agendas or interests mixed together and often at odds with each other. We've seen that the position a state takes in these issues can have dramatic effects on the culture or viewpoints of arabs...
  11. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    @Solomon2 how would you like the arab-jewish relation to look like?
  12. Etiene

    Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom

    This is the kind of attitude that derails threads and gets members banned. The topic is not how arabs and jews behave in Jerusalem but an israeli ambassador leaving Jordan after pressure. You insult every person that dont agree with you and every nationality on collision with Israel. Grow up!
  13. Etiene

    Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom

    Yes things can turn very ugly very fast in the arab world we have seen in the last years. It seems domestic Israeli descisions can cause tension in the jordanian streets , and even in its parliament. Perhaps this sends a signal to Jordans king. Soft power it can be called.
  14. Etiene

    Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom

    My guess he will return when things become calmer with this issue. Regarding the provocations it would be a hard hit for descision makers in Israel to consider the "Arab feelings" and stop this tradition (I understood the Aqsa incident to be a yearly jewish tradition) . Especially for a hard...
  15. Etiene

    Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom

    @BLACKEAGLE Any info on if/when he will return?
  16. Etiene

    Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom

    The israeli ambassador in Amman returns, apparantly of free will, to Israel after the parliament voted to have him expelled, a power that is in the hands of the king as I understand it. Yet still "87 MPs threatened to drop the parliament's vote-of-confidence it had granted Prime Minister...
  17. Etiene

    Iran Navy Secured Red Sea: Sudan

    If Iran can establish a stronger presence in the Red sea the Sudanese navy would not be the only recipient of military equipment I believe.
  18. Etiene

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Silly .. They are telling them that they are on their own if they start trouble of course! But in what sense? The domestic pressure would be large Arab league countries if they withdrew humanitarian aid to palestine even if they attacked Israel unprovoced. That could also open a vacuum for other...
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