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    Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

    u forgot to mention the man who rattled pak in Operation Brasstacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sundarji the man responsible for Smiling Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Raja Ramanna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

    if as u claim , the world doesnot see so, the world will come to know of the reality, in the same way U.S. came to it after 9/11, before 9/11 india was the worst victim of pakistan based terrorism in the 90s, when india raised the problem of terrorism, u.s. was supporting pak in subtle way...
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    India hit over religious violence

    my comment was sarcastic, the problem in our country is we practise pseudosecularism in the name of secularism. personally , i would like india to follow the secularism thats practised in france.
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    India hit over religious violence

    thats what we call "true" secularism in india
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    Israel plans Air Force training in India

    if britishers were so benevolent in giving india democracy, why are the other colonies of "great" britain not the shining lights of your benevolence
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    Pak blocks two key SAARC pacts

    "And what world are you living in hmmm? Because the India that we know has always tried to dominate and play God to its smaller neighbors. If India had not tried to influence everything in its neighboring countries, then there wouldn't be any anti-India activity, now would it...
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    Pak blocks two key SAARC pacts

    "If you try and act high and mighty when your reality is far removed from such an arrogant and ill-advised posture, you will be the loser". - TechLahore ^^ this advice is more relevant for pakistan. we dont want any neighbouring countries to be our stooges, we just...
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    Pak blocks two key SAARC pacts

    thats why india is leaving out pak and developing the alternate organisation for economic development BIMSTEC if pakistan keeps on creating problems, it will become a problem
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    Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

    since pakistans water quality is better than india why is pakistan expecting poor quality water from india via indus?:cheesy::cheesy:
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    Indian Agni BM Technology origin

    regarding the american articles, this is what Dr.Kalam says in his book WINGS OF FIRE "Gary Milhollin, a so-called specialist in missiles and warhead technologies, had made a claim in The WallStreet Journal that India had made Agni with the help of West Germany. I had a hearty laugh reading...
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    i do understand that thats a technical explanation you can give for your deeds(as i have pointed). the point is "Australia is committed to helping the world get rid of ALL nuclear weapons." :rofl: this statement is funny
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    You answered your own question in your own post lol. - informer i expected that, just trying to show the hypocrisy
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    Australia is committed to helping the world get rid of ALL nuclear weapons. - informer :rofl::rofl: then why is australia selling uranium to china which had proliferated NW to pakistan (technically china can be let off as it dint sign NPT at that time) so any one can flout a law and the...
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    Russia against developing military ties with Pakistan

    world is not in cold war there is no meaning for blocks - blue or red future is not a bipolar world everyone will have relationship with every other country, but that will not be mutually exclusive
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    8th anniversary of Gujarat genocide. Never forget

    If everyone in the world thinks like this, the world would be a hell
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    India’s Unending Defence Expenditure

    the funniest words in the article "peace-loving" Pakistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Unknown Pakistani group claims responsibility for Pune blast

    i strongly support prof. vaidyanathan's observation it hurts, when someone speaks the truth without sugarcoat.
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    FAQs on India's Massive 34% Hike in Military Spending

    Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.-RiazHaq mr riaz, do you know why this congress government got re-elected this time? one of the reason is it wrote off 60000...
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    India tests long-range nuclear-capable Agni-III missile

    "But if you insist, I will concede that the American instrument sit on an Indian probe fire by Indian rocket in an Indian project with American assistance." - faithfulguy chandrayan was not done with american assistance, we carried one of the american payload along with others...
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    Lunar eclipse: US retreat leaves China leading way in race to return to moon

    "If India split up as a country, it will most likely along that of the caste line instead of "state" lines." - faithfulguy this is the funniest :rofl::rofl::rofl: comment i have ever heard, without knowing the ground reality please refrain from giving your esteemed opinion
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