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  1. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Genocide survivors that have since reproduced....
  2. Kajutyun

    Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

    This may be a very elementary argument, but I will make it anyway. Due to the similarity of all Abrahamic religions, don't you think that they must contain some truth. Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad all preached basically the same ideas while having no interaction with each other. What are the...
  3. Kajutyun

    Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

    Well, I think that the idea of nation states might be a good idea (definitely support a free Kurdish state, though only from Turkey because that is where they are being oppressed). What is the point of joining with Afghanistan? Neither it nor Pakistan are nation states. Neither its government...
  4. Kajutyun

    Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

    Wow, this is a really interesting map. I'm assuming that since you posted this map, you have some knowledge about it and I will ask some questions: 1. What is the status of Cyprus? 2. There seems to be overglorification of Azerbaijan Republic. How are they able to both reclaim all of Artsakh...
  5. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    I was hoping you would ask that! No, Ottoman Armenians made up the VAST percentage of Armenians worldwide. Seriously, there was like less than 2-3% of Armenians outside of Ottoman Empire in the 19th century (when genocides began). Therefore, killing of Ottoman Armenians still consisted of...
  6. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    No. Soviet Union was not legal successor to Russian Empire either. Just look it up if you really want to know. Till then, just take my word for it. Your opinion is irrelevant. The definition of genocide is: "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial...
  7. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    I mean legally. Russian Federation is not legally a successor state. Turkey is legally a successor state. Look it up. Ok, so what is your point about Azeris being Turks. Don't you agree with me that what happened to them can't be considered Gencoide?
  8. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    35 million*. Doesn't make a difference though, Khojaly was still not even close to genocide. IMO, Circassian ethnic cleansing was Genocide. Russia could do a good deed and recognize, but Russia Federation is not legal successor to Russian Empire, so it has no obligation. On the other hand...
  9. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    OttomanTurk: I can see that you are neglecting my TRNC/Artsakh question. I don't blame you, Turkey is clearly being hypocritical. Your entire arguement is based off of the fact that you do not know what "genocide" means. The reason that you do not "cry" is because any Turkish deaths were but a...
  10. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    I didn't say the whole program, just some ordnance. I thought J600 was being phased out, but I wasn't sure and frankly it wouldn't matter against if a war breaks between Turkey and its traditional opponent (Russia). Isn't the Stinger a personal, shoulder-fire weapon? I'm much more interested...
  11. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Please explain to me why Cyprus is Turkish and Artsakh is not Armenian.
  12. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    "Why you talking about our stuff" Do you have some kind of verbal copyright I do not know about? I have just as much right to talk as you do. Yes, the medium air defense is the Yildirim system that I mentioned. The PAC system is unconfirmed, and besides I was talking about present-day not future.
  13. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Not really (it wouldn't be defacto or dejure independent if it did not have control of those aspects). Anything that is done has to come from the people of Karabakh, in other words there has to be a sense of self-determinism. Frankly, the people there are ethnic Armenians and will never again...
  14. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Don't worry bro, you are more aware than the average person. Here in Russia, we Armenians are equated with Arabs:hitwall: Yeah, relations between our two countries would be nice. As it stands though, Pakistan is the only country in the world that does not recognize the Armenian state. IMO...
  15. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Armenian in Russia! TBH, Armenia is not (yet) a place that attracts many non-Armenians.
  16. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Not sure. ATACMs are compatible with rocket launching systems, but I don't know how Turkey is using them. Targon, I don't mean to troll (:D) but, since we are on the topic, have you heard that Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Russia (and possible Belarus) will be setting up a joint air-defense network...
  17. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    I believe I can answer your second point. Turkey has many AA systems, although most are outdated. The Swedish BOFORS gun is in great supply, although I'm not sure why Turkey is still operating a WW2 era weapon. There is also J600 Chinese-Turkish balistic missile system, but as I understand it is...
  18. Kajutyun

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Rofl I hope your criticizing your Turkish bros and not me. I only laughed at the fact that an internet poster was promising some islands to Greece. Never said anything about Armenia. Plus Greece has superior air-defense system: Not only are they equipped with PAC and s300, they also have VELOS...
  19. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    I agree with you, the matter should not be politicized. Its partly due to diaspora activity (which I am personally against) and partly due to foreign governments (like France using this new bill to curb Turkish influence). Either way, Turkey should recognize the genocide on moral grounds.
  20. Kajutyun

    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    Well, Turkey clearly cares if they are putting so much time and money into genocide denial. Clearly they are trying to hide this, otherwise all this work would not be necessary. In fact, Davutoglu had an interview a couple of days ago in which he know claimed that Armenian genocide survivors...
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