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  1. Kajutyun

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

    Wait wait wait. "Imaginary deaths." I thought that official Turkish position was that there were many killed from both sides. Have you forgotten your obligation to espouse Turkish/Kemalist lies? Yes it is an old argument that will stand until someone can draw a distinction. Like I said...
  2. Kajutyun

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

    Thank you very much for bringing up this point TurAr. Armenians have always respected the Turkish nation for there strong human rights record, acceptance of minorities, and genocide-free history. Frankly, I'm surprised at many of the posters here. Iran's conventional military force is...
  3. Kajutyun

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    Take it from a resident in Russia: Muslims in Russia are more assimilated into society than the West. Maybe some radicals in North Caucasus want Sharia, but the vast majority of Muslims don't. Russian government has little morals or reservation, so they will not hesitate to crush efforts by...
  4. Kajutyun

    Poverty in Azerbaijan

    If I had a dollar for every time one of you ignorant, uneducated Turks copy and pasted that report, I'd have ten times the Turkish GDP. If you read that article, you wouldn't have posted those stupid pictures. Every one of those towers is empty. And what Azeri do you know of that can afford a...
  5. Kajutyun

    Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

    Lots of confusion in this thread. I hope this short explanation may set the tone for further discussion: The region known as Nagorno-Karabakh was never part of an independent Azerbaijan. In other words, when the first Azeri republic was formed in 1918, Armenia still had control of this region...
  6. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Not sure why your making these "cold war" excuses. Turkey is not any different now than then. Just recently, many military officials were arrested over coup allegations. This paranoia by AKP proves that they are "scared to death by armed forces" I do know something about Turkish political...
  7. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Yeah, it's not like the military had intervened countless times in the past.
  8. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Not sure why you are criticizing Erdogan. Without him, Turkey would probably be controlled by either the Kemalist CHP or the military right now.
  9. Kajutyun

    Poverty in Azerbaijan

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/15/t-magazine/big-in-baku.html?pagewanted=all How can anybody defend this county and its president....
  10. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Nominally, I suppose. But what does it matter? Does it stop the PKK? Did it stop Syria when they shot down that F-4? Did it stop Armenia when it reclaimed its land? Anyway, Iran would also use unconventional forces and tactics, which we can see, through the PKK's vitality, will be Turkey's weak...
  11. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Not sure why you insist on underestimating the problem? Is this also Turkish policy, to just wish problems away? 1. What Israeli radar are you talking about? Is it something in Azerbaijan 2. Iran sees this radar as a threat. Whether that is plausible to you or me doesn't matter. Iran has made...
  12. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    Turkey was on the verge of invading Syria at the time. Even so, this is completely different. I remember Iranian defense officials even saying that the radar in Turkey makes it susceptible to Iranian attack.
  13. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    That is a gigantic understatement. Just because the situation is complicated does not mean that it is not worth discussing. Uh...it's implicating Iran in "terrorist" activity.
  14. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    If Turkey implicates Iran in these "terrorist" bombings (which it kind of already is), eventually Turkey may do something about it. Why is this so unimaginable?
  15. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    You know, I said nothing about Armenia whatsoever. Not sure why you are so insecure. Please stick to the topic.
  16. Kajutyun


    IMO, Israel will not be the first country that Iran attacks, even if it is Israel that launches the preemptive strike. Turkey or Azerbaijan will see battle first.
  17. Kajutyun

    Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

    It's becoming increasingly clear that Iran and Turkey are growing more antagonistic towards each other. Reasons include: - Turkey backs the Syrian rebels, which Iran finds to be meddlesome and against its regional interests. - Turkey is shying away from Iranian oil - Turkey hosts a NATO...
  18. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

    Again, it's not "their" land. Azeris know, at least on the inside, that Artsakh is Armenian land, and are therefore not willing to die for it. Just like they were not willing to die 20 years ago. At some point, especially when the dwindling oil supply dries out, Baku will normalize relations...
  19. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    For the last time, that article is QUOTED by Wiki, not WRITTEN by it. Considering that Armenia is blockaded on two sides, its economy is actually excellent. It will only get better seeing as they will soon have access to port in Trabzon. I'm tired of talking about Armen-Azeri war. It is...
  20. Kajutyun

    The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

    Armenia is not the second worst economy. You keep quoting that source you find on Wikipedia, and its making you look really really stupid. It reffered to growth, not economy as a whole. Answer me this one question: If Azerbaijan is so strong, why hasn't it attempted to reclaim NK within last...
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