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  1. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    True, but only because some of our lads got a wee bit carried away in the town of York (Toronto).
  2. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    :rofl: ahem - You mean... I'm right??? whoo-hoo! :dance3: ---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ---------- I mentioned it solely because, no matter what we read, there appears to be no real consensus on this matter. If i was a betting man...
  3. Panther

    10 myths America holds about PLAN

    That does make a lot of sense. Considering the US military's extreme disadvantage of facing a language barrier in Iraq and Afghanistan. Seems to be just something else that they overlooked in the 90's? That is well and good, but what about NCO's? I'll need to look over the initial post. I...
  4. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    It could be changing. And if it is, is it just a natural cycle we are helpless to prevent? Is it because of the effects from space, namely the sun? Or is it really man made? Sadly i have come to believe that for the sake of research grants, science has sold it's soul to a politician who...
  5. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    Not if Al Gore has anything to say about it! Why, he'll.... wait a minute! Has that been the Canuckians nefarious plan all along?
  6. Panther

    I got stabbed - and people just stared

    This just boggles the mind. Words fail me...
  7. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    The first was during the American revolution and then the second was during the war of 1812. A topic for a different thread. The tension he refers to during and then after the civil war was a time when the relations between the US and Britain were at their absolute worse, specifically for...
  8. Panther

    Climate change could make Canada a major world power: geographer

    Oh well... this is just spiffy! As if some Canadians in certain quarters aren't hysterically paranoid enough already about the US invading? Along comes this book. Not that it is all a bad thing, it does give me more ample ammunition to unmercifully tease our northern neighbor with. ;)
  9. Panther

    Drone Attacks

    Engineered floods!?! Did we just waste our time in helping out an ally for absolutely nothing?
  10. Panther

    10 myths America holds about PLAN

    Do you mean a lack of mutual trust? No wonder that there are strains in this unique international relationship. Just my own personal opinions and observations, but glancing at the article and needing more time to analyze it further, a few things stuck out to me. Like the structure of the...
  11. Panther

    Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame?

    LOL- Don't we all! What bliss they must be living?
  12. Panther

    Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame?

    I blame Hollywood for the belief in such crap!
  13. Panther

    Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame?

    I always wondered whatever happened to the writers of star wars!? Did anyone know that they would end up working for a Russian think tank?
  14. Panther

    Photos: US Military And Pakistan Flood Relief

    Condolences to the Pakistan nation and Pakistani flood victims and the countless lives lost. Preferably, i'd rather we worked at our relationship to bring our countries together, rather than it to be because of a natural disaster with great loss of life! I guess i will also take this...
  15. Panther

    Scientists edge closer to Star Trek’s teleporting beam

    Can almost hear it now, "Very funny Scotty. Now beam the rest of me up!"
  16. Panther

    Brisbane Atheist Burns & smokes Bible & Quran.

    Not that the burning of any part of two holy books isn't a problem, but was that "really" grass clippings as he says it was?
  17. Panther

    Lethal beasts of USAF!

    The 30mm Gatling gun test.
  18. Panther

    An open letter to Osama lin Laden, by Noamn Benotman

    I guess this is the correct section to put this in? "Is it not time for believers to humble their hearts to the remembrance of God and the Truth that has been revealed. Quran, 57:16 Dear Osama bin Laden Abu Abdullah, I greet you with the peace of Islam and ask you to reflect on the...
  19. Panther

    Axis Propaganda Against Iindian Troops

    I fail to see the logic. If the Japanese Empire had felt fearfully surrounded by Anglo Saxon countries, then why in the world did they go to war against the Chinese and other Asian nations first, instead of with the Anglo Saxon countries? There is a reason for US actions towards cutting off...
  20. Panther

    Protesters rip pages from Quran in White House

    :what: A small group as representative for the whole of conservative Christians ....?! :rofl: Actually... the reporting on this is becoming rather tiresome.:argh:
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