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  1. L

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Not what i read. It is administered by Wakf Board and non-muslims i.e, Jews arent allowed to pray there even though they have probably as much right to do so. Possibly muslim pilgrims dont get a visa to visit Israel and the holy sites an understandable reaction since many muslim countries dont...
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    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    What is wrong with Israelis have control over the holy sites? They are people of the book too. Isnt the Dome of the Rock built over Solomon's temple so dear to the Jews? So why use the term liberation?
  3. L

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Oh i know that about Palestine, the religious historic fight. Any perceived muslim sense of injustice howsoever removed from the Middle East can be and is conveniently pegged to Palestinians, such an easy explanation. Small mercy that Turkey hasnt called it a genocide (you know 1 muslim killed...
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    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Hmm..so called holocausts? Dont expect anything better from the Children of Zia, who has Palestinian blood on his hand too! Killing Palestinians on the orders of King Hussein of Jordan in 1970 ..:).
  5. L

    Indian ripoff of Pakistani songs continues...

    Yeah you forgot to add land chor..junagadh, hyderabad,goa, kashmir and the biggest of em all...E.Pakistan aka Bangladesh. Thankfully the overflow of the lake in *** is not being attributed to Indian conspiracy just yet. :rofl:
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    Indian ripoff of Pakistani songs continues...

    Apparently after the failed NY bombing attempt, it is the Pakistanis who are trying to pass off as Indians so that they arent discriminated against ..sigh!
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    57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

    An oxymoron is a Pakistani Hindu..living the impure life in the land of the pure. Pity the Hindus there that they didnt have the wherewithal or the foresight to migrate in 1947, no wonder a large number of Pakistani Hindus are now in Rajasthan, asking for refuge. If anyone is interested in the...
  8. L

    Supreme Court rejects pleas against Hafiz Saeed's release

    By using the judicial route India will never be able to substantiate it in a Pakistani court. Perhaps it might have been more apt to have sent a crateful of mangoes to Yosemite Sam.
  9. L

    Supreme Court rejects pleas against Hafiz Saeed's release

    Do you think the Pakistanis dont know what you have written? i.e., the truth about LeT/JuD etc, its been debated ad nauseaum on this site, on Chowk and other sundry sites where Indian-Pakistani issues take center stage much to the chagrin of the issue under debate. So in my opinion it is...
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    Supreme Court rejects pleas against Hafiz Saeed's release

    There is only one solution to Yosemite Sam Hafiz Saeed.
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    S. Korea responds to ship attack report

    I think apart from the steps taken by South Korea, they should if not already done so start building their own nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to target both N.Korea and their sponsor China. An independent and credible nuclear deterrent is any day better than being under somebody's umbrella.
  12. L

    Israel offered Nuclear weapons to South Africa.

    The revelation may be a bit embarrassing for Israel in the context of the ongoing NPT review conference but other than that nothing of much significance will happen. This was more than 30 years ago and I doubt these revelation is news to the 'international community' i.e., US,UK etc. In 1979...
  13. L

    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    Congratulations to HAL on this achievement. Will the LCH be able to carry the anti-tank NAG missile?
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