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  1. Fireaxe888

    Is alcohol legal in Pakistan?

    Governments shouldn't prohibit products on religious grounds. Let those who want to buy do so, and let those who are opposed do not. If some Pakistanis want to be bad Muslims, well it's their choice.
  2. Fireaxe888

    Indian Space Capabilities

    According to wiki the GSLV has a payload to LEO of only five tons. You'll have to wait for the -3.
  3. Fireaxe888

    Indian Space Capabilities

    When's the GSLV-III's maiden flight?
  4. Fireaxe888

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    What can I say: For The New Lunar Republic! :D
  5. Fireaxe888

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    By the end of the war the Indian Army was the largest volunteer force in history. It fought with distinction in Burma, North Africa and Italy.
  6. Fireaxe888

    Olympics: North Korean thanks 'Great Leader' for gold

    I'm sure the hundreds of thousands in North Korean slave labor camps will appreciate this. Probably with a bayonet to their back.
  7. Fireaxe888

    Olympics: North Korean thanks 'Great Leader' for gold

    I thought Kim il-Sung was Great Leader and his son Dear Leader.
  8. Fireaxe888

    In signs of PLA shift, Chinese Defence Minister proposes India visit

    Yep, it's not like a full-scale war between two billion+ population nuclear powers could ever result in tens of millions of casualties or immense economic destruction. I suppose it's all worth it so long as you're teaching some uppity Indians their rightful place.
  9. Fireaxe888

    Rafale will have European weapons, not American

    I suppose we've got to pay down that debt somehow. Diu Europa!
  10. Fireaxe888

    Sale of F-35 to India not on the table right now: US

    Okay, I was exxagerating a bit. I'm sure the F-35 will turn out to be a capable aircraft when it finally enters service, better than any 4 or 4.5 gen aircraft in American or foreign service. Problem is it's had so many delays and cost overruns (I doubt the -B will even enter service) that, for...
  11. Fireaxe888

    Sale of F-35 to India not on the table right now: US

    The F-35 is such a piece of **** you should be glad you aren't buying it.
  12. Fireaxe888

    Attempts at dividing India: Study claims Malayali DNA similar to caucasian

    This whole race thing is bullshit anyway.. we're all human.
  13. Fireaxe888

    Indians leave a footprint in CERN

    And the structure of the atom, radioactivity and the theory of fission had no practical result either, right? You seem to have forgotten the big explodey things your two countries threaten each other with, nor those scary power plants.
  14. Fireaxe888

    Pakistan which way we are heading.

    If there's on thing holding the developing world back, it's pessimism and acceptance of the current order (corruption, poverty) as the way things always will be. I see the same here in Bulgaria (we don't have widepread hunger or illiteracy, but being the poorest member of the EU isn't fun)...
  15. Fireaxe888

    Your views on Gay Marriage

    Totally supportive. BTW, WTF does the poll have to do with the thread? There's majority support for same-sex marriage in basically every Western European nation, that doesn't mean that >50% of their population is gay.....
  16. Fireaxe888

    Land grab in Africa, brought to you by India

    I think the only way to get Africa out of foreign influence is to give it economic clout of its own. Pity when you're as poor as the DRC 50 years of 10 percent economic growth won't be enough.... South Africa's doing pretty well, though.
  17. Fireaxe888

    Russia to make 3 More Talwar Class Frigates for India

    Yantar's building these for the Russian Navy too, and they aren't exactly good with delays..... Going elsewhere might have been a better choice.
  18. Fireaxe888

    India sets 'daunting' export target of $350 bn for current fiscal

    Sustainable exports are key to economic success. Good luck India. Without the License Raj India could have been China twenty years earlier.
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