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    World’s biggest airport set to open in Beijing in 2017

    Wao thats Incredible.... Congratz China !!
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    Avalanche in Siachin kills 6 Indian soldiers

    The Ultimate sacrifice by these 6 Jawans for Nation wont go vain. R.I.P to the brave soldiers, may Lord give strength to their families to endure loss.
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    Best Film Ever?

    Hiii...NIce Thread Can anyone suggest me few trustable websites for free movie downloads??
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    Peshawar Airport under attack...

    which channel??
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    Pakistani Hindu girl admitted to hospital ten days after being raped

    Wrong Title... such pervertness is a sign of sick scoundrels.... no need to mention religion of victim
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    Peshawar Airport under attack...

    Really worrysome. Hope it causes minimal casualities and culprits get caught soon.
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    China asked to stop construction work in Pakistani Kashmir

    You forgot to mention, Bangladesh's current ties with Pakistan. ( Hint : Hasina's cancelled last visit to Pakistan)
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    China asked to stop construction work in Pakistani Kashmir

    Pakistan is already doing same since 1947 regarding India, we are quiet new in these propoganda and world opinion thingy.
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    India beat Pakistan to win World Cup for the Blind

    Congratz to Indian Team... We are Proud of you
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    Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

    If unfortunate killing of 78 rohignya muslims means Genocide to you and killing & cleanising of 1000s of Kashmiri pandits from valley is just a mild version of attrocities then I cant help you.
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    Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

    Thats what happening in Tibet, thats what happened with minorities in few islamic nation, thats what happened to Kashmiri pandits in Kashmir, but as long as they are non muslims, it is acceptable for the muslim world. Its law of human nature, if you dont support others in adversities , others...
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    Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

    Simply awesome. Wish I could say "Never say never again". Myanmar is a friend, and friends are "Diamond forever". Just like we recieved favours "From Russia with love" we too have minimal love for our diamonds. India doesnt follows the principle "Live and Let Die" so does the Myanmar so their...
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    Mughal, Nizam era treasure recovered in Hyderabad-India

    Equal Right by Constititutions, Security from foreign drones, liberty and education to their women, freedom from mullahs and talibanis, kept them safe from shia-sunni wars. There are IDIOTS allround the world, India has its share too. But India is not driven by what any idiot shout or says...
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    Mughal, Nizam era treasure recovered in Hyderabad-India

    Do you know who is the richest muslim industrialist in South Asia?? Who is the biggest muslim celebrity or Highest Paid muslim celebrity of South Asia? We appreciate your good wishes but Thanks God ... Extreme Mullahs and their followers are on other side of borders. More strength to...
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    Mughal, Nizam era treasure recovered in Hyderabad-India

    Lol, why cry now for what you choosed. Hindutva gains strength and public support with each islamic threat. If you were living with us, hindutva leaders would have doubled support and backing by public. Muslim elites who wanted ruling power in their hands and were scared of Hindu...
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    Mughal, Nizam era treasure recovered in Hyderabad-India

    Sorry there was no going back thing... last mughal ruler Zafar was prisoned in Rangoon where he died....and many mughals are living in India. Aurangabad in Maharashtra have highest no. of mughal descendants with 200 Nos. according to a muslim trust. Cant post the link, due to less post count.
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    1984 riots: Where is the justice?

    Justice has been served rightly. The real culprits of Sikh tragedy Indira and her son Sanjeev are also no more. Its a dark page of indian history but has been burried in past. Now sikhs are equally treated and respected like all communities in India.
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